
720 15 4

TW - Violence
"You're like a villain,
In some old film,
Walking in the dark,
In somebody's room..."

I yelled out from the front door, "I'm leaving! I'll see you later!"

"Wait." Harry yelled back from the bedroom.

I waited, watching him make his way out of the room, still wearing only his boxers. His long curly hair draped  down over his shoulders. He hadn't had time to tame his bed head, and personally I found it very adorable, although I would never use that word to describe him to his face.

"Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, I was going to stop and get a coffee before I head to the shop." I was leaving earlier than usual.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you?" He asked, obviously a little nervous about me going out on my own.

A few nights prior I had asked him if I could drive myself to work in Monday, and it was like pulling teeth to get him to agree. I knew he was just trying to protect me, but I felt like I needed to do something on my own.

The whole point of me leaving Georgia was to get away from all the people who controlled me. I didn't want to fall back into old habits.

However this was a little different because I knew Harry actually cared for me, but I still needed my freedom. I didn't want to have to depend on anyone no matter who they were.

"Yes Harry, I promise I will be fine." I tried to reassure him although he still seemed hesitant.

"Okay," he dipped down to peck me on the lips, "Call me if you need me, and text me when you get to the shop."

I knew he was worried, but the drive was only about fifteen minutes, and Zayn would be with me while I was in the shop. I did find his protectiveness very endearing though. It was nice to have someone care about me that much.

"Yes Dad." I joked, pulling away from his lips.

I thought it was funny, but I didn't think Harry really thought the same. I watched as his expression completely changed from smiley to almost bashful. He cleared his throat, breaking eye contact, and I swore he was blushing.

"What?" I peered at him confused.

"Nothing," He muttered quickly, wiping the almost embarrassed expression from his face, "I'll see you later."

I looked back at him realizing that had flustered him.

"Was it because I called you dad?" I asked, not being able to hold back my smirk.

It was just a joke to me, but it looked like it was something else to him. I had never made him that flustered before, and I couldn't lie, I kind of liked it. He rolled his eyes turning away from me, attempting to hide his face.

"Harry!" I gasped, unable to hold back a few rouge giggles.

"You're going to be late peach." He replied playfully, heading back towards the bedroom.

I shook my head as I watched him make his way back down the hall, not believing that the word dad was what made him crack.

When I finally made it out of the apartment, I got in my bug and headed to the shop. After Harry agreed to let me drive myself, my car somehow appeared in the parking lot the next day. I didn't ask questions.

I did stop for coffee on the way, which made me a little late, so Zayn had opened up shop. I did get him an iced black coffee though, which I assumed would make up for my tardiness.

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