ˑ༄ how you met

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Hey there! These are the Mondstadt guys! I will be writing about Liyue and Inazuma guys too!

Hey there! These are the Mondstadt guys! I will be writing about Liyue and Inazuma guys too!

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- As a maid of Dawn Winery, it was bound to happen.
- Kaeya spotted you admiring his vase, which strummed something within.
- He approached you smoothly, but his suave charm got caught in his throat at the sight of Diluc sending him death stares from behind you.
- He eventually introduced himself; using his charm of course. With a peck on your hand as his starry eye broke no contact.

- You caught quite the trouble at the tavern. 
- Diluc stood between you and a drunkard who uncomfortably approached you.
- Diluc certainly did not allow such actions in his tavern. His back faced you, standing tall before the drunkard in confrontation.
- Once he turned to face you, his demeanor changed to that of worry and sympathy. He treated you on his behalf for the rest of your stay.

- A loud shatter caught your full attention. Your eyes followed the source of the commotion, landing on the bard who had grown quite the reputation.
- He seemed distraught; kneeling before the red beverage puddling with the glass shards.
- He nervously laughed feeling quite sad of the hard earned alcohol beverage suddenly wasting when you offered him help.
- His eyes practically sparkled when you returned with a bottle of dandelion wine for him.

- You often marveled at the materials the crafting bench had to offer.
- Not knowing of alchemy or any of those sorts, you only looked with wonder; wondering when you would be able to have your hands on a pretty gem.
- One evening, Albedo approached the crafting bench. You were marveling at the riches when he cleared his throat, offering if you needed any help.
- You watched with amazement as he turned your few gem chunks into a beautiful gemstone. 

- It was a rather slow day for the Adventures guild, so quite a few of them were hanging around inside the walls.
- Amber called after you, her small and blurred figure approaching you quickly and she ran towards you. You noticed someone else running right behind her as she held on to their hand.
- Once they approached you, she nudged at the one behind her, slightly pushing him forwards.
- He awkwardly stumbled and fiddled about when he introduced himself.

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