ˑ༄ how you met

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Neuvillette and Lyney at the moment! I have caught up enough with Fontaine to write about these two, just not Wriothesley. He is getting his own catch-up chapter, I was just too excited to write about these two OOPS.

Neuvillette • You found yourself lost

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• You found yourself lost. You had agreed to meet up with Aether and Paimon at the Opera House to witness a trial in action, but you couldn't quite figure out the place just yet.
• You were circling around trying to find the path until you came across a man who seemed dignified. He stood tall with his blue attire complimenting his pale complexion.
• Building up the courage, you cleared your throat to ask the man for directions to the Opera House. Although he wore a serious expression, his response brought a gentle smile. He was heading just there actually. He'd be pleased if he could have your company while heading to the Opera House, he said.
• The man asked if there was a particular reason you were going to witness a trial. You hesitantly replied with your curiosity towards the praise the Chief Justice receives. With a slight chuckle, he assured you it was nothing special. You insisted on just how amazing he must be though.
• Upon arriving at the entrance of the Opera House, you thanked the man and went your way to find your companions at your seats. Shortly after, the trial began with a familiar voice. It was the Chief Justice, the man who you unknowingly praised.

• Your curious eyes wandered around the performing stage. There stood Lyney and Lynette, swirling the paper slips inside of his hat to select a random audience member. The silence of the anticipating room was interrupted with a loud hum from Lyney as his eyes darted from the slip to the audience, then slowly to you.
• A glint of joy appeared over his eyes. He quickly hopped down the stage to offer you his hand up to where he and Lynette stood. He spoke loudly of the instructions that would be performed by the three of you before saying how you were perfect for the role.
• The magical act went smoothly besides the very end. His reassuring words had you feeling a little too comfortable, so much so that you lost your footing under the bright stage lights.
• Your panicked eyes prepared for impact to the ground, but that did not come. Instead, your body was greeted with the warm hands of a particular magician.
• Lyney held you close, a hand firmly placed on the small of your back while the other held onto your hand. He had his mouth slightly agape at the unexpected turn of events, but the crowd seemed to love it. Before helping you up, Lyney gave you a quick wink.

Fighting the demons to not write nsfw rn. I MEAAAAN this book is marked mature for a reason. HMMM?!?!?!

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