ˑ༄ feelings for you

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KAEYA <3- He could not longer find himself giving you his signature charm and teasing

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- He could not longer find himself giving you his signature charm and teasing. Whenever he would do so, his heart would pound do heavily he's afraid you'd hear it.
- He would be the type to almost avoid you or simply not accept his true feelings, but the small sights that made him fall in love with you to begin with would send him rushing back to your side.
- You would sometimes catch a difference in the way he carried himself or his voice, but you didn't really pay much thought to it after he brushed ig off as nothing.
- He fully came into terms with his feelings when he could no longer control the tingles he'd feel, or the rush of warmth rising to his cheeks, even as well as being content with just having you in his sight.

- Diluc would be taken aback. He would question when these feelings began to appear, and why. But whenever he tries to figure it out when you're in his presence, he would simply get distracted and tranced by every action of yours.
- After lending him your ear to a few of his frustrations, he really did warm up to you. Your small cheers and words of encouragement wouldn't leave his mind so easily. What you said meant a lot more to him, and it coming from you made an impact to his day to day routine.
- Diluc would continue to be the same gentleman he was from the beginning. Though his smiles and chuckles would be a lot more frequent than before.

- Venti admired you for the way you completely accepted him. Sure, he pays no mind to the frequent eye-rolling he receives from his spontaneous behavior and actions, but upon realizing that your eyes gleamed with excitement and joy with just his presence...
- He finds himself giggling and smiling at just the thought of you. His cheeks would tingle and flush pink the more he thought of you like that.
- Being around you made him feel warm and complete, you were like the missing piece of a puzzle he didn't know he had. It just took a moment of realization that you made him feel whole.
- He most definitely sings and hums tunes with the thought of you behind every word and rhyme.

- Definitely startled at the fuzzy feeling his chest began to feel when around you. He thought he was coming down with a strange illness, or one of his potions showing side-effects to his body.
- For a brief moment, his mind went to the possible chance of you tinkering with him, but he knew you did not have a malicious bone in you.
- It was only until Klee pointed out his 'lovey dovey eyes' as she calls it, when you come around.
- He asked Klee if his change in behavior was that obvious with you around, which she excitedly nodded her head to. Since realizing this, he can't help but smile warmly at the thought of you.

- Being adventurers, both you and Aether shared many experiences. From huddling close together in the chilling temperatures of dragonspine, as well as tending to one another's wounds after a wrong turn of events.
- Aether never payed no mind to these things. He only saw you as a very close friend, a companion. But then-
- He would notice how his cheeks would grow warm. With just the sight of you stargazing, his eyes would get lost in your twinkling eyes and lose track of his surroundings.
- It had become so obvious that Paimon would sometimes send him smug faces, knowing all too well what he was feeling for you.

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