ˑ༄ getting to know them

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KAZUHA <3- His voice was just as gentle as a breeze,  never growing too loud or too harsh

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- His voice was just as gentle as a breeze, never growing too loud or too harsh. Through the crackling of a campfire, his voice would sometimes lull you to a peaceful sleep. One which he would watch over to keep harm out of yours and his way.
- You learned of the reputation he had grown from the higher-ups of Inazuma, shuddering at just everything he has had to go through.
- But no matter the darkness of his experiences, he always manages to brush it off with a small smile. He didn't want you to worry about him.
- Learning of his vision was not really surprising, but learning of his abilities left you amazed. The way the wind would carry words to his ears was and continues to be very fascinating to hear about.

- You requested for one on one teaching. Thoma was surprised when you asked for this, but quickly accepted the request with joy in his eyes.
- Thoma was kind enough to offer you supplies to use as he taught you around the estate. While cleaning and teaching, you would both converse. Either about the daily things or stories from the past.
- His actions towards cleaning were spontaneous and well thought out. He seemed very passionate about what he does, especially for the Kamisato siblings.
- When you would ask him questions, his eyes would spark up like his pyro vision you learned about.

- After tending to his fluffy features, Gorou frequently, well as mush as he could find time for, visit you. He still shyly asks for your care, which you are always happy to give.
- Sighs of content would often escape him as you brushed his features, as well as his hair that would be a little rough here and there.
- Be quickly warmed up to you, so he would feel comfortable telling you about his troubles as a general and well...Yae.
- He was relieved when he learned that you also feel a little uneasy when she is around. You learned that you both unfortunately face the teasing.

- After saving you from the golden wolf, Itto felt the need to keep watch of you. Honestly, it's because he wanted you to join his gang.
- He really made it be known that he was this and that, puffing his chest out and pointing his nose to the skies after flattering himself. You began to follow along him and his buddies around.
- Itto welcomed you with open arms, introducing you to everything he and his gang does. Even as well as pulling out Ushi every now and then.
- He always seems very happy and proud, but his demeanor quickly changed when his friends are hurt or threatened.

- Ayato took a quick liking and interest towards you once he learned about what you do. It's not like he was just interested in your boba drinks...
- Actually, he was very intrigued with your peculiar taste and ideas. He would sometimes suggest certain fruits of plants, to which your eyes would gleam to. He was glad he could share his ideas without receiving confused looks. Not like it ever bothered him anyways, but seeing your excited reaction to his ideas filled him with a sense of pride.
- He took it upon himself to accompany you when given the opportunity. From picking ingredients, or watching you create drinks as you both talked.
- You felt more at ease around him after getting to know him more. His status and the way he carried himself was just a bit intimidating at first, but his side away from business was a very welcoming one.

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