ˑ༄ getting to know them

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TARTAGLIA <3- After saving you from the Fatui, he began to appear quite often into your daily routines

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- After saving you from the Fatui, he began to appear quite often into your daily routines.
- He would tag along when you went to buy groceries, always insisting that he will pay. You were very hesitant at first, but within a few weeks you figured out a way to repay him without him really noticing.
- You would bring him food. His eyes practically light up when you hand him his food every time you come across each other. He most definitely teases you with his charm every now and then when you hand him the neatly wrapped food.
- He doesn't know this, but you make sure to cook up some extra food when you prepare your own lunch. You brush it off as making too much food last night and wouldn't want it to go bad. Overtime, you learned of a few of his favorite dishes from his homeland.

- Zhongli takes you for tea every now and then. This happens when you two would come across one another while strolling around Liyue Harbor.
- Through tea, he would sometimes be telling stories of either ancient history or tales. Since you have been in Liyue for quite some time, being immortal and all, you were a little familiar with some of the history he would recall. But you're completely mesmerized and amazed over how passionate he is with every little detail.
- Not to mention his lulling voice, he sometimes chuckles at the trance your eyes seem to be under.
- You learned of his Geo vision. You couldn't explain it, but you felt at ease and safe when walking besides him.

- Communicating with Xiao was a bit tricky at first. He seemed to be very reserved, but ease came when he soon realized the type of person you are after observing you from afar.
- You are caring and gentle to others, and that's exactly how you approached him. Maybe it's due to the fact that you've worked with Qiqi and the pharmacy for so long.
- Though it's been slow, Xiao is a very quiet man. You learned that he keeps to himself a lot, so it was a major treat when he began to share his day with you more often as weeks passed.
- He is very swift with his actions, his reflexes it showing it very well. He always seems to be on high alert ready to dash with his anemo abilities, yet a subtle look of peace overtakes his features when you are together.

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