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Important note! I believe I've mentioned this somewhere in this book, but I'll put it out here to clear any confusion

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Important note!
I believe I've mentioned this somewhere in this book, but I'll put it out here to clear any confusion.

Angst and I don't go well together (although I eat it up sometimes) so for characters who possess some kind of immortality, y/n will as well! Also bc of that fact it gives me an opportunity to write about interactions going WAYYY back with said character such as just below >>

But if you want any sort of angst chapter lmk! It'll definitely be treated with some sort of mushy fluff afterwards :')

How you met

Scaramouche <3
• You've had many brief encounters prior to his new identity. The first encounter being under the twinkling stars in a still night.
• Your legs swung at the edge of the cliff, the star illuminated sky's reflection being broken by the ocean waves.
• Because of the crashing of waves, you couldn't quite hear the rustling of footsteps or the soft jingles of the approaching young man in appearance. It wasn't until you felt the bore of someone's gaze that you finally made you turn around.
• The darkness and ominous clothing slightly contrasted to the smallest of moments where he would show genuine interest. Those moments would quickly be replaced with a deadpan and lost expression. Scaramouche, he said before turning his heel away from you.

Wanderer <3
• Your appearance is one he very well recognized. Decades perhaps with no visible change to your features.
• It had almost brought a hop into his step once he realized that you, the one person who had lended him an ear past many moons, now stood at a distance from him.
• He held onto the brim in his hat as he approached you. You recognized him right away, even past his new physical appearance which was quite surprising but welcoming nonetheless.
• A sense of excitement rushed throughout your body. You were not quite sure why, but you longed to see the violet eyes that once bore into you.

Getting to know them

Scaramouche <3
• Scaramouche was not an open book. His life was kept behind a barrier, sighing or glaring off into the distance at just the mention of questioning his past.
• You quickly got the hint to not bring any unwanted conversation up. Instead, you lended your ears with genuine interest over his small conversations. Whether it be the doings of his day, frustrations, his interest towards you, as well as embracing just the silence.
• Over time, his expressions and motives became rougher.
• His tongue grew sharper and his intense gaze almost expressing otherwise.

Wanderer <3
• He did not like the praise he would receive from his sudden change. It would make him flustered, so in return he would quickly toss any sort of kindness with a snarky remark.
• He did not trick you though.
• Often times, you would catch him reassuring himself with the gentlest of smiles. One which he did not dare to show out in the open public.
• With time, mostly to accept the fact that you very much did not mind his presence after all he has done, he would share those moments of sweetness with you. His eyes would wander around the lively sceneries and then back to you. Had life always been as soothing as this, he would wonder.

Feelings for you

Scaramouche <3
• It was his longing to see you. It was a forgotten feeling, he had hoped, but it resurfaced when you stepped into his life. He was frustrated as he could not allow himself to go under a new betrayal. That would certainly go against his purposes.
• To have someone that didn't automatically reject him, who gave him encouraging words left a flourishing thought. He wanted you.
• But he could not help it, so he would try to avoid your presence. His gaze would be sharper, his expressions and words would be harsher, but he couldn't portray that for too much longer.
• Would he be betraying his feelings if he pushed you away?

Wanderer <3
• It began with the simple question, had life always been as soothing as it is now? Or was it because you had once again stepped into his life?
• He heavily questioned the motives of the sudden warmth and yearn he'd begin to feel for you. It was all too familiar with the feelings he had pushed away moments before he wandered away from you.
• The moments he wouldn't catch himself, the smallest of smiles would appear over his lips at the thought or sight of you. In fact, he couldn't understand the tinges of jealousy when you appeared close with others before his sight. He would definitely try to impress you only scoff over just how 'ridiculous' he must look and feel.
• Upon realizing his feelings, he sighed at yet another sensation you have allowed him to experience for the first time. Expect this time, he didn't really mind it. It is you after all.

Complimenting Him

Scaramouche <3
• You compliment his determination.
• Scaramouche is very well aware you don't necessarily agree with his motives, but he couldn't help but feel flustered over your seemingly genuine compliment. He turned his gaze away, muttering how with enough reason anyone could have determination.

Wanderer <3
• He is constantly swimming in a pool of your compliments.
• He flaunts his new appearance around after you praise his looks.
• He notes to show more genuine kindness whenever your eyes sparkle, but only to you of course. He did not want it to get in anyones head.
• But there is one compliment that especially sends him over the moon. Just how deserving he of his anemo abilities, especially with how he handles it to swiftly fight off enemies.


Scaramouche <3
• By no means did Scaramouche intend this to be a direct confession to his thoughts and feelings over you.
• He confessed of his departure. How long would it be before you would both see one another once again? Who knew, Scaramouche just knew he did not want to be held back from his long awaited goal of obtaining divine power.
• He became nothing more than a stranger. Your last encounter being the night he rested over your shoulder one last time.
• "Goodbye, Y/n." He whispered to the still night.

Wanderer <3
He has gone by many names. But none as impactful as the thought of being called yours.
• He tipped his hat down with the pads of his fingers, just enough so his expression could go unseen by you. He was aware this was an odd behavior to show, especially from someone who enjoyed maintaining eye to eye contact to relish the expressions others would form from his words alone.
• But more frequently, he'd break eye contact with you by tucking his face behind his hat. Just as did with his confession. He tells you his feelings, like straightforward. His voice showing gentleness yet uncertainty of the fear of rejection.
• There is no response from you, which set a sinking feeling. His eyebrows furrowed in response with a gloss beginning to shine over his eyes. Was he a fool to think you'd return said feelings? To be vulnerable around you? Is he deserving of you after all he's done?
• You took ahold of his free hand, pressing it against your chest right over your heart. He was startled at the rapid beating of your heart which finally brought his gaze up to yours seeking for answers. Your heart is his, you broke the silence before timidly pressing your lips on his cheek.
• "The emptiness in my chest, you've filled it with warmth somehow..."

"I don't understand, how is your heart now mine?"

"Because I love you of course"


Scaramouche <3
• He would rest his head over your shoulder.
• Under very few occasions would Scaramouche show his vulnerability of needed rest to you. Although he would sometimes protest, the most comfortable contact he would allow was resting his head over your shoulder.
• Once more before he departed.

Wanderer <3
• He enjoys snuggling against your chest.
• Whether it be the warmth or soft thumping of your chest, he found it the most soothing to rest over. A great way to cover his flustered expression as well.

I decided to make two versions for him! Brain empty just mr. mouche.

HOPE U SCARA WANTERS BECOME SCARA HAVERS! I sure will bc I have guaranteed hehe

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