ˑ༄ confessing

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OKAYY OKOKOK so I MAYHAPS said I would write fully written out scenarios for this chapter specifically....yeah that didn't happen.
Yo girl ran out of ideas after one nation (you might be able to tell over the slightly greater length my INAZUMA section has)
My mans ayato and heizou live over there ykyk....

 Yo girl ran out of ideas after one nation (you might be able to tell over the slightly greater length my INAZUMA section has) My mans ayato and heizou live over there ykyk

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Kaeya <3
• Kaeya did not want to rely entirely on his charming tongue. Although his ideal confession would be over a beautiful mare galloping outside of the city's walls, Kaeya had to make do with his words and expressions alone.
• He had taken a day off to dedicate his confession to you. With nothing much prepared, Kaeya decided upon a peaceful stroll just outside the city's walls.
• The scenery was straight from a fairytale novel, a knight accompanying their majesty under a perfect day.
• With the blade of his sword in hand, Kaeya sliced a red apple into portions which he shared with you. He admired the sweetness of the fruit. He took this as a chance to easy into his confession, comparing the apple's sweetness to the feelings you've introduced within him.
"Your beauty truly is breathtaking, enough to send shivers down my spine—"

Diluc <3
• Diluc personally requested for an arrangement of flowers from the young Flora. He made conversation with her, asking her for suggestions on the meaning behind flowers and which would best compliment a special occasion.
• Upon arriving at your doorstep, he offered his arm to you which you linked in return.
• You both strolled around Mondstadt's moonlit scenery, having heartfelt conversations with one another.
• His confession slipped past his lips with much ease, any tension or uneasy feelings being soothed by one of the many things he loves and appreciates you for, how welcoming and warm you are.
• "Yearning for your warmth was the realization of my feelings towards you. I'd be one lucky man if you share these feelings with me."

Albedo <3
• Albedo had no grand plan to confess his feelings. His confession was straight to the point, or so he would have thought if not for Klee's ideas.
• Like Klee's description of a King pampering his beloved partner with delicacies and affection, expect not as extreme for he still had to confess, Albedo took ahold of your hand and led you to a beautifully set up picnic.
• Past the colorful fruits and desserts, Albedo truthfully confessed his feelings as well as his struggles to express himself.
• You reassured his doubts, admiring the extra step he took under a certain little girl's guidance with a shy kiss on his cheek.
• "You've brought forward a foreign sensation to my chest, one which makes me feel warm  with just the thought of you. Will you allow me to express my feelings once more? My way?"

Venti <3
• Although Venti might be the god to be worshipped, you were the receiving end to his whispering praises.
• Mondstadt's breeze felt like an embrace the particular morning of his confession. He laughed and skipped along the trail as he tugged your hand to follow him. His words only revealing that he had a tune for you to hear when you'd question his bubbly and flushed expressions.
• After settling under the cooling shade of the large tree, Venti took hold of your hands and faced you with complete adoration for a few moments. He was beyond excited, not entertaining the chance of whether you'd return his feelings or not.
• Confessing his feelings for you came as freely as a tune and rhyme, one that left you completely mesmerized with tears.
• "You're the melody to my heart, harmonizing with the lone tune of mine. So please, don't shed another tear. I am all yours."

Aether <3
• Aether had gone through many hardships in the little time of traveling just a few nations of Teyvat. But nothing came as more tricky than his confession plan.
• Aether tidied the coziness of his teapot realm, decorating the house with the delicious scents of your favorite homemade meals.
• After a hearty dinner, Aether guided you to his garden under the starlit night. He gently tucked a wind-wheel aster flower over your ear as he praised your beauties. That is until a confession managed past his lips without his realization.
• His golden eyes shimmered with hope, gazing upon your own for any sort of answer. To which you intertwined your fingers with his and pulled him for an embrace.
• "Traveling Teyvat has shown us many marvelous beauties, but nothing compares to the sight of you."

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