ˑ༄ feelings for you

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Tighnari <3

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Tighnari <3

• Just as gentle as a breeze, and just as delicate as a blooming flower did Tighnari realize his feelings for you.
• His eyes would often drift to your own in a complete loving way. Your sweet and genuine interactions would make a small smile tug at his lips. Your care for the forest and willingness to hear his guidance would warm his heart. Almost enough to send his tail on a wag, but he'd control himself.
• Your laughter would bring him out of any concentration with his large ears twitching around. Although you were still a little clueless with some of the dangers of the forest, he would chuckle it off and guide you to what is safe. After some tough love.
• Collei definitely caught on to his feelings. She'd raise her eyebrows at him, flustering the man away or have him shake his head at her teasing.

<3 Cyno

• Cyno would not hesitate to strike his polearm against anyone who lifted a finger towards you. His sense of protection towards you was very clear to everyone and himself, but not exactly to you.
• He is very aware of the tension his appearance brings to those around him. So lightening the mood, especially when you are around, was what he'd attempt to do. It took him a moment to realize why, but you are the first person Cyno would look at after cracking a joke.
• Your genuine laughter would fill him with relief as well as warmth. His eyes would widen just the slightest and would take it upon himself to improve his jokes just for you.
• Cyno realized his feelings the moment your eyes rivaled his stargazing. When his duties would sometimes get interrupted with the wondering thought if you were okay or not. He would definitely check up on you from afar.

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