ˑ༄ confessing

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Kazuha <3• Sweet

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Kazuha <3
• Sweet. It's how Kazuha would describe you to the breeze and nature around. It was as though nature itself could understand him, flowers blooming beautifully and critters surrounding the both of you.
• Your surroundings were noticeable even to you and for a slight second, you thought you could hear something within Kazuha. But you brushed it off as silly thinking, perhaps he had started to rub off on you.
• Kazuha guided you towards the dancing pastures from the slight sea breeze. The poem of his confession leaving past his lips all while gazing into your eyes. He adored how your eyes openly expressed your feelings which you confirmed with an embrace.
• The scenario was picture perfect. Kazuha twirled you around with the swirling breeze of nature.
• "My heart adores you, to catch a small glimpse of you, is blessing enough"

Thoma <3
• You let out a shaky breath, your hands chilly from this particularly cold night of Inazuma. Both Thoma and yourself had set out to buy a few necessities for the Kamisato Estate, but night quickly caught up.
• Thoma insisted on lending you his coat only for you to decline his offers. You refused to see him shivering even more than he was now. Unfortunately to you, he becomes a very stubborn man once his mind is set on something.
• The warmth of his coat left a content sigh escape your lips. The sweet scent of tea that lingered in his clothing was a bonus. It was upon seeing this scene unfold before him that he realized you truly made him feel warm, revealing his feelings as his realization continued to unfold.
• He stuttered on his confession, but any nervousness flew past his mind once you intertwined your fingers with his own.
• "Now you're the one making me feel all warm and fuzzy, will you allow me to hold your hand? As long as that's okay with you of course!"

Gorou <3
• The thought of revealing his feelings to you felt nearly impossible to the General. His commands could lead his men to success, but how could it be that his feelings couldn't command his own voice?
• The general scoffed, looking at his surroundings in attempt to find the recipe book he recently purchased. He knew very well he couldn't confess with words alone, so he thought he could have a dessert to help him with words. He scratched his head, looking one last time before the knock of his door sent his eyes wide open. It was you behind that door, arriving a lot more early than he anticipated.
• You offered Gorou an extra pair of hands and eyes to look for the book. He seemed very determined to make whatever he bookmarked. It wasn't until a few moments later when you found a thick book under the couch cushion. As you opened to book, a slip of paper fell down to your feet. It was a confession.
• Your cheeks warmed, coughing slightly at the scribbled text before turning to Gorou who noticed your tense posture. He was glowing pink, and red he became once you pulled him for a hug.
• "I made this cake so we can enjoy it together, perhaps as more than just companions if you feel the same way."

Itto <3
• Itto cleared his throat, presenting you with what he had been hiding behind his back for quite a while now. His feelings wanting to burst out from his chest at any given second.
• It was a large rosy colored onikabuto with a small flower resting over the horns of the beetle. The Oni puffed his chest out feeling quite proud of the little warrior and its unique coloration he found just for you. Stating how you won his heart, just like a brave onikabuto does in a fierce battle.
• You didn't ignore his confession, but the familiar beetle on his hands left you scooping the almost identical beetle from your bag.
• You looked up to Itto, quietly sharing the feelings he confessed.
• "Y/n, my friend, my pal, my soon to be partner if you accept the feelings this oni yours truly has for you, won the fight to my heart. Just like this awesome onikabuto."

Ayato <3
• You had many milky and fruity drinks, some which gained popularity after earning Kamisato Ayato's praise, waiting to be made. But just as he suspected, your frantic eyes captured the rush and fast paced environment you were currently under. There was no second thought in his mind once he settled on lending you a hand.
• His lilac eyes admired you; from the features he loved to the very fact that even though you were rushing just a few moments ago, you managed to find energy just for him.
• A surprised gasp escaped your lips the moment Ayato lowered his head, taking the straw with his lips and sipping onto the cold drink. The same straw your minty moisturized lips took a sip from. A content sigh was barely heard as his eyelashes would flutter here and there, eventually gazing up to your surprised expression.
• He grabbed the drink, his fingers slowly hovering over yours and set it to the side. His thumb gently pressed against your jaw as he directed your eyes to his. At that moment, his feelings slipped past his lips. There wasn't a moment where his words faltered or his eyes looked away from your own.
• Your sparkling eyes and agape mouth sent a pink dust onto his cheeks. But you didn't notice that as you pressed your face onto his chest.
• "My, what is this hint of mint I taste? Whatever it is, I would love to savor it from its source."

Heizou <3
• Heizou knew very well he was smooth with his actions. His ability to think quickly yet smartly led him to his many successes. He is very aware that those things worked on you, having you fall for his words the moment he stepped into your life.
• His cheeks darkened, muttering to himself how grand of a confession he could have made. But here he was, a bunched bouquet of flowers in one hand as he stood by your door awkwardly.
• He got straight to the point, handing you the bouquet of flowers before coughing onto his fist and revealing his feelings. His emerald eyes glanced to side, his cheeks tinted pink as a spark of joy escaped from you.
• You shyly tucked a flower over his ear, smiling at the confession that sent your heart fluttering. His eyes widened, a quiet gasp escaping him before a sneaky smile replaced his surprised expression.
• "My thoughts and feelings all pinpoint to one location, your heart."

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