9. PlayStation

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After we ate all the food, he bought, we sat on the couch and then the instructions started, my nightmare started.

"So, this R2 button is sprint, on L1 you change players you're playing with, with an X you pass" he said showing me each button on joystick that I was holding in my hands

"Circle button is for shoot or volley; square is for lob pass and triangle is for save goal with goalkeeper" he said and looked at my eyes

"Got it?" he asked

"Kind of" I said and shrugged

"And then there are those two sticks, right one is for dribbling and left is for directions where you're going, to move players, you will get it when we start" he said and separated from me for a bit

"Here, choose a club with left stick, move it on right or left, if you want to change country of club move it up and then left or right and then back down on clubs" he said looking at my clumsy fingers going along joystick

"Okay what now?" I asked as I found Chelsea and he looked at me smiling

"Now push X" he said, and I pushed it

"Since it's your first time we will play with the same clubs so you can't tell I won because I played with some better club but actually, we all know Chelsea's the best so" he said smiling and I smiled

"Yep, Chelsea's the best" I said and sat in Turkish seat

"Here you can change players if you want to, with left stick again, if you want to change someone you need to go on that player, push X and go all way down and click on someone to put in, with an X of course" he said and started to change some of his players

I looked through players and put Kai, Mason and him into team. I am so slow in this, and this won't be great.

"What?" I asked as I looked at him because I felt his gaze on me

"Nothing I'm just watching how you're getting along with this" he said smiling

"Okay I finished" I said, and he looked at TV

"Nice one" he said smiling

"X" he said, and I pressed it

Soon enough we started playing and I can say he is playing worse than he do because he is not fast so I can get along with him.

"No, don't dribble, shoot" he yelled, and I got confused

"I'm telling you Ela, shoot with-damn" he said leaning back on couch

"I told you to shoot, it could be 1:0 for you now" he said and looked at me as I looked at him

"It could be 0:10 for you if you play as you actually do" I said, and we just continued to play

At the end it was 1:6 for him and fortunately I scored one goal if nothing else.

"For the first time it was really good" he said looking at statistics

"Nice one" he said and gave me high five

Soon after we started new match, and one after another we were on God knows what match already.

"Yes, yes, ugh come on" I said throwing myself back on couch because he saved the goal, I was so close, but he saved it

"that's not fair" I said pointing at him but not looking at him

"You said I didn't play as I actually do, I am playing now just a bit better" he said and I can say, without looking at him, that he is smiling like crazy, this is all funny for him but it's stressful for me

"YES" I yelled as I scored a goal

"Ha, it's 1:0 for me" I said looking and pointing at him

"That was actually better than Mason can in real life" he said, and we both burst into laughter

"Are you kidding?" I asked through laughter

"Not a chance" he said laughing

"Yep, you are" I said and looked at him, as I turned my head on right, I almost hit his head how close we were

He turned his head to face me, and I just stared at his eyes, why is this happening to me? We know each other for under than three months but we are acting like we know each other for a long time.

"I have to tell you something" he whispered looking at me


"I think we met before" he said

"How do you mean?" I asked confused

"I don't know, you seem familiar, your face looks familiar, your laughter sounds familiar, I don't know" he said and then something came on my mind but that still doesn't make much sense

"I'm from Bedfordshire actually" I whispered and his eyes wide open

"Wait you're kidding me now, right?" he asked and smiled

"No, I'm serious, I'm from Bedfordshire but I came here on college and I'm planning to stay here after I finish college" I said

"What school you went to?" he asked

"Redborne Upper School" I said

"This have to be a joke Ela" he said

"What? Why?" I asked

"How long you follow me as a footballer?" he asked

"Um, three years" I said trying to not sound like a freak, or even worse, like a stalker

"And you never checked something about my private life?" he asked

"Um, no?" I spoke, it never interested me to go and search about his private life if he didn't want to give a lot of information out

"that's insane, three years and you didn't find that I am from Milton Keynes and that I went to the same school as you" he said

"Seriously?" I asked

"Yes Ela, and that's why you seem familiar" he said "I know it's bad of me to ask you this, but what year you're born?" he asked

"I turned 23 two months ago" I said

"Two years difference but still...." he said and turned to TV screen thinking about something

"I'm confused Ben, how do you remember me it past five years how you left school, and I don't remember you?" I asked and he turned to me cupping my face?

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