37. Birthday Wish

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~MAY, 2021~

Three months, that is how much it took me to make a first step about my birthday wish.

Here I am, in Bedfordshire, in my old street about to face my family, no, they are not my family. I took a deep breath pressing bell on the doors. The way her eyes wide open when she saw me in front of her was the moment I lived for to see.

"We need to talk" I said stopping doors that almost shut close

"We have nothing to talk about" she said wanting to close doors, but I didn't give up "What do you want?" she asked

"I want to see her" I said

"She doesn't know about you; I don't want you near her" she said

"that's why I came, to tell her I am her sister, at least that's what we both deserve, to meet each other, since our parents are fucked up" I said never being prouder of myself that I have this much strength

"You don't have right to meet her" she said

"Mum, who is that?" the girl, who is now not that little anymore, asked

She was the whole me. The same blue eyes, the same brown hair that I had until I change my look and dyed my hair blonde, the same tone of voice that I had when I was younger, the same style that I had when I was her age. Eight years old me was standing in front of me as I couldn't stay unemotional, tears started forming in my eyes no matter how hard I tried to hold them not showing my emotional side in front of her.

"Hey, I'm Ela" I said giving my hand to little me

"I'm Daisy" she said smiling at me, the same smile as mine

"You have a really nice name" I said as she just rolled her eyes

"Get in" she said and at first, I got confused but then I stepped into house as she closed door behind me

"I like your hair" Daisy whined at me touching my hair

"Thank you, I like yours too" I said smiling at her

"Are you a family friend?" she asked


"Yes, she is a family friend" she said interrupting me

"Can I show her my room?" Daisy asked looking at her

"okay" she mumbled not much satisfied

Daisy took me by hand and took me upstairs, all the memories were flying through my head.

"here" she said letting me into her room, that was my room

"This is so beautiful" I said looking around me

It was beautiful; she had a lot of posters on the walls of Ariana Grande and Zendaya along with some arts.

"Did you make this?" I asked pointing to one of art

"yes" she said shyly smiling at me

"It is so beautiful" I said looking at drawing of Ariana

"How old are you?" I asked just to be sure I didn't go wrong age

"I will be eight in three months" she said, and I just smiled at her

"you're so talented for eight years" I said "do you have a sibling?" I asked

"No, but I will really want a sister who will be as beautiful as you are" she said, and my heart broke even more

"And I would like to have a sister just as beautiful as you are" I said stroking her cheek

"You also don't have a sibling?" she asked

"no" I whispered looking at her blue eyes

"what's that?" she asked pointing to my necklace

"These are birthstone, you know, every month have their stone and the stone of month you are born in is yours" I said

"And what months are these?" she asked

"This one is February, and this is December" I said looking down at my necklace and remembering that I once again lied to the person who gave this to me

"Who gave you them? They're so beautiful" she said

"My boyfriend" I said, and she looked at me with shining eyes

"Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend? Can I see him?" she asked excited

"yes" I said and took phone from my pocket showing her my favourite photo of Ben and me

"He is so handsome" she said

"I know" I said as I deleted notifications of already hundred Ben's messages where am I

"I know I met you only few minutes ago, but I have a feeling I know you for ages" she said in a cute voice

"See, I have the same feeling" I said what made her smile even more

"Can I tell you something?" she asked "But mum and dad must not find out" she said quietly

"Your secret is so saved with me" I said, and she giggled

"I like a guy from school" she whispered on my ear

"that's nice" I said

"But he doesn't experience me" she said

"Look, one advice, do not expect much, because how much you expect less you will get but of course you should try even if you're still young for that" I said looking at her smiling

"Thank you" she said

"Um...I really need to go now because it's late but if you want, I can come whenever you want" I said, and she just smiled

"I want to see you again" she said

"Okay here" I said and wrote my number on paper that was on her desk

"Whenever you need something, call me" I said and kissed her forehead leaving her room

She was in the living room not looking much happy because I was here, but I didn't expect her to be happy, she is the one that left me, and I was here just because of Daisy and to finally meet my little sister.

I slammed doors behind me taking deep breath and looking up at sky, there was a soft sunlight coming between clouds. Few moments of me standing in front of house looking at sky was enough to return me back in life that was waiting for me in London.

That was nice start of meeting little me.

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