83. Wedding Plans Talks

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~MAY 2024~

"Please Ela, I want to see it" Sophia whined at me

Today I went to see my wedding dress and I couldn't be prouder what I chose. I went alone because I wanted everyone to see it for the first time on our wedding day.

We already decided that everything will be in light colours and the only thing that left was for Ben and me choose are best man and bridesmaid. Ben would, of course, have five the closest friends for best men but the main would probably be James or Harvey but he didn't decide yet. I also decided for five bridesmaids, and I didn't have much doubt about who will be my main bridesmaid.

"Come on Els, I'm your bridesmaid I have to know" Sophia said unsatisfied

"I want everything to be special and it would be much more special if I keep it all for myself until the wedding day" I said on the phone looking at Grace laying on the bed next to me

"you're definitely not fair and now I know I'm going to cry like a baby when I will see you" she said, and I smiled at myself

"You already sent invitations?" she asked, and I looked at two invitations on the coffee table in front of me

"Yes, Ben sent it yesterday" I said

"I can't wait to get and see mine" she said acting like she is crying

Ben just got home from grocery, and he immediately sat next to Grace after he left bags on the coffee table.

"Hey, you" he smiled at Grace brushing his nose over hers

"Ela" I heard Sophia

"Um, yes?" I asked not sure what she said

"it's just came on my doors" she whined, and I smiled even more leaning against the back of couch "Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful" she said loudly, and Ben looked at me confused

"This is the best invitation I've ever got" she said

"Okay auntie Soph, I'll talk to you soon" I said, and Ben just laughed realising what happened

"Okay, I can't wait to see the little one, oh my gosh, she is so fucking adorable" she said still so impressed with Grace

"See you soon, love you" I said

"See you, love you" she said, and we hang up


"We can go to see venue any day when we want, we just need to call before" Ben said as we were lying on the couch with asleep Grace between us

"I'm so excited" I admitted smiling at him

"I am too" he said and leaned closer to me kissing me

"Hey, no" Ben said quietly but quickly as he stopped Oscar of jumping between us

This is the first time in last 3 months that he almost jumped on Grace because he is always so careful just like he is a human not an animal and when people say animals are human's best friend they are so right, and I am so happy Oscar is going to be a part of Grace's life from the first days. When I was thinking about Oscar, I remembered something that I didn't tell Ben.

"Ben" I whispered, and he looked at after Oscar climbed on his lap lightly touching Grace's hand with his paw

"The other day when I was out with Grace, I saw that animal shelter and there was a little goldendoodle, it was so cute" I said

"Do you want to go and see it?" he asked

"I thought about that" I said

"it's 3pm, they are open until 5, you can go now if you want to, I can stay with her" he said tapping Grace's nose

"I didn't say I would go now" I laughed

"But you can, if you want to" he said

"I thought about going with Grace, but she is still too small for something like that so maybe after wedding" I said

"However, you want" he said

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