56. Christmas Presents

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"This is mine for you" Ben said giving me literally huge box, it's only left me to open my present from him and him to open his present from me

"Ben" I whined, and he just put finger on my lips

"don't complain, just open it" he said and kissed the corner of my lips and I started to open the box

"One part of present I had aide so if you won't like it, it's not my fault because I was just listening to advice I was getting" Ben said as I opened box and my eyes wide opened as I saw things in box

"No way" I said not believing

"I wanted to buy you some dress and I asked Sophia for help, and she told me you were looking this dress for some time now, so here, you don't have to look for it anymore" he said, and I just took deep breath

"You didn't have to" I said, and he just smiled at me

"Look at other things" he said smiling

"Come on, you know I don't wear them that often" I said looking at heels that were perfectly matched with baby blue dress

"Now you will" he winked at me not taking smile of his face

"The adventures of Ela and Ben" I read smiling at engraved box in my hands

"We can put our photos from different places in here or some little things we want to keep as a memory" he said, and I looked at him

"it's so beautiful" I said and kissed him on the cheek "And what's this?" I asked taking some big poster in my hands

"100 dates scratch off poster, I made it personally, actually some of them but I don't know where which is so we will go from up to down and go on these dates whenever we will get time for it" he said, and I just bite my lip smiling

"it's so cute" I whined "Thank you so much" I said and hugged him

"Okay take a look on your present" I said giving him box

"What is it?" he asked opening his box

"You will see" I smiled at him

"ou, look at it" he said taking candle out of box "Bedfordshire" he said looking at homesick candle I've brought him

"You can take it with you wherever you go so you will have home beside you the whole time" I said "I put some smells I thought it can remind you of this" I said looking at house around us

"it's really good idea for a present" he said

"And this is what?" he asked unrolling the poster "World map?!" he said asking

"You scratch off the places we visit together" I said

"We are so matching" he said pointing to 100 dates scratch off poster

"yeah" I smiled

"So, we already can scratch off this" he said scratching off Italy

"Then this" he scratched off Croatia "and this" he said and scratched Greece

"And I kept this one not wanting it to be lost" I said giving him little box

"what's that?" he asked and took box from my hand "keychain" he asked looking at little ball that was on

"Turn it over" I said, and he did so

"#21 on the pitch, #1 in my heart" he read and looked at me

"This is the most beautiful thing I've got" he said and pulled me into kiss

After we exchanged presents, we had lunch, and it was such a lovely afternoon with the Chilwell's. We've talked about so many things and for the first time since I met Ben, I didn't feel uncomfortable with people I didn't know very well. I've met them more today and they are all such an amazing people. Ben is so lucky to have such an amazing family beside him.

"Ela, look at this" Alex called me showing me one of Ben's photos when he was younger

"He was so cute" I said looking at photo that was in my hand now

"I still am" Ben said from the living room where he was talking with his dad while Sally, Alex and I were sitting on chairs around kitchen ocean

I just smiled to myself as we continued looking photos of Ben from the childhood.


Dad called me about an hour ago telling me that we can come on dinner around 7pm. It was half seven when we decided to go to my parents' house.

"Where will you be for New Year?" Wayne asked Ben as we were saying goodbye to each other

"James asked if we would come to him, so we are probably going to Leicester" Ben said and his dad nodded

"See you all soon" Ben said hugging his mum and sister

"See you" I said and smiled

The evening with my parents and my sister, it went well, without any problem but with a laugh and happiness what made my heart healing again.

Daisy was more than happy with what we bought her, big teddy bear that had a shirt on which was written, we love you, Ela&Ben. Ben also didn't give up on buying her huge panel for drawing along with thousands of new pencils and colour pencils. Not to mention that Daisy spent the whole evening sitting close to Ben and snuggling with him while the smile was on both of their faces.

The night we will spend in my parents' house and then in the morning after breakfast we are leaving back to London. This year's Christmas is going to stay engraved deeply in my heart because after 9 years I've spent Christmas with my family, I got along with my boyfriend's family better than I imagined I would.

PHYSIOTHERAPIST [B.C.] ~ ©️Where stories live. Discover now