67. House Party

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"Hey, have you seen Sophia?" I asked Timo

It has past two hours since we got into Ben's house, almost all Chelsea players were here along with Harvey and James that I have good friendship with.

"Um, I think she went upstairs" he said pointing to stairs

"Okay, thank you" I said

I went through all the people around Ben's house smiling to some of them until I got to the stairs jogging up them.

"Soph" I called through the noise from downstairs as I knocked on bathroom's door

"Are you in?" I asked but then I heard voices from guest room

I went closer to the door realising those are Sophia's and Mason's voice. I smiled to myself and got back downstairs letting them sort things out finally.

"Hey, where did you disappear?" Ben asked as I walked into kitchen, and he was there talking with James

"I went to the bathroom" I said and got closer to him as he left a kiss on my cheek

"So, what are you-"

"Karaoke party" Harvey shouted from living room interrupting James

"no" Ben groaned as James just laughed at Harvey's crazy idea

Just to say in the next couple of minutes they set everything up in the living room for karaoke and the first song put on as they all started singing together, to be precise that was not singing.

"One for Ela" I heard Sophia shouted running towards us, she stood in front of all of us taking microphone in hand as she whispered something to Harvey

"I took an arrow to the heart
I never kissed a mouth that tastes like your strawberries and somethin' more
Ooh yeah, I want it all
Lipstick on my guitar
Fill up the engine, we can drive real far
Go dancin' underneath the stars
Ooh yeah, I want it all
Mm, you got me feelin' like" she sang as I laughed

Ed Sheeran, my second favourite singer and Shivers song just makes me scream loud every time I hear it. After she finished, I ran towards her laughing as I took microphone from her hand and whispering to Harvey to put on Bad Habits by Ed. I took a sip of drink from Harvey's glass, and I smiled at him struggling.

"Okay, this one is for Soph" I winked to her as she looked at me with interested look

"Every time you come around, you know I can't say no, every time the sun goes down, I let you take control, I can feel the paradise before my world implodes and tonight had something wonderful" I sang, and I saw Sophia laughing as she got closer to me, and we sang the song till the end together

"Okay I can't" I said sitting down on couch and boys continued to sing

"So, our physiotherapist knows how to sing as well" I heard Timo's voice as he sat beside me

"here" he gave me a glass of drink

"what's that?" I asked looking at drink

"try" he said, and I took a small sip

"it's so good" I said taking another sip

"The last one I'm yelling today for embarrassing myself till the end is the one for Ela and Ben, please make a quick move so I can yell this for your first dance" Sophia said about a half hour later closing the karaoke party

"When your legs don't work like they used to before and I can't sweep you off of your feet, will your mouth still remember the taste of my love, will your eyes still smile from your cheeks" it sang through the living room followed by soft voice of Sophia trying to give her best to sing as, um, let's say, Taylor Swift? No, definitely no, she can give everything, but she will never be like queen Taylor, sorry not sorry bestie, I thought at myself smiling

I looked over the people in the living room and over the house until my eyes met Ben's on the other edge of the house. He was standing with Harvey, James, Mason and Reece but he was looking at me through all the people that were between us.

So honey now take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

I saw Ben whispering something to boys and a second later he shows me with his head to go to kitchen where weren't that many people. I walked to kitchen, and he came just after me.

"Why are you always trying to avoid sing in front of me?" he asked

"I'm not" I said

"Why you then never sing like you did earlier?" he asked getting closer to me

"I don't know" I said

"You should sing to me more often; you have so beautiful voice" he said pulling me to him, so our bodies were touching

"I drank that's why I sang in front of them" I admitted as he was wrapping his arms around my waist

"that's not the problem, I can give you a few drinks every day" he said, and I laughed

"don't be silly" I punched his shoulder lightly

"I'm not silly, well, I actually am, but I'm serious" he said

"If I get drunk today don't judge me" I informed him

"Okay, it's your day, you can do whatever you want, I'm here just to take care of you" he said touching my nose

"Why you always do such a cute thing?" I asked

"Is this cute?" he asked touching my nose once again

"yes" I said

"And this?" he asked before he kissed me

"yes" I said as we separated from each other

"What else is cute?" he asked

"Um...when you lean your forehead onto mine before or after you kiss me" I said, and he leaned his forehead onto mine

"Something else?" he asked

"When you make love to me" I whispered and walked away from him to find Sophia

I'm wondering how long he will stand still without being next to me and just lightly touching the parts of my body, even if that's just my hand or my lower back.

"Hey, you two" I said as I got closer to Sophia and Mason "Let me guess, you are all good now?" I asked and Sophia just got closer to Mason as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder

"Yes" he said and smiled

"That-" I almost screamed when someone pulled me by hand but then I realised it's just horny Ben again "No, no, hey, unlock it" I said as we got into our room, and he locked doors

"No, you're mine for the rest of the night" he said throwing me onto bed and coming on the top of me taking his shirt off

"All mine, understand?" he asked, and I nodded "don't do that again and leave just like that" he said before he attacked my neck

PHYSIOTHERAPIST [B.C.] ~ ©️Where stories live. Discover now