92. Awkward evening

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About three hours later when Grace completely stopped crying and got back to good mood the front doors went opened and immediately closed as Oscar ran from couch towards hallway. I heard Ben's voice and I sigh not ready for conversion because he got mad. He left his suitcase in hallway and walked towards Grace and me. As soon as he sat down next to Grace I stood up and went to kitchen.

I sat on chair drinking water as I heard Ben talking with Grace. I tried to relax but it was still bothering me the situation that we just got in even I don't want to argue with him now. I got back to living room sitting on the edge of couch and taking my phone to check on girls for tonight's girls' night on facetime.

"I'll be right back baby" I heard Ben saying and kissing Grace's forehead and soon enough he went upstairs

I quickly answered on girls' messages and put my phone on coffee table and turned back to Grace.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked tapping her nose as she giggled "Do you want to go outside? To take a walk with Oscar?" I asked as she was just smiling at me

"Yeah? you like that idea, huh?" I smiled at her giving her eskimo kisses as she just giggled even more

"So, we have a deal, we are going outside to take a walk with Oscar but before that we have to feed you" I said taking her in my arms and putting her on my lap breast feeding her for the first time since yesterday morning before we were leaving for Germany, because I started to give her a bottle

As I was feeding Grace, I heard Ben walking downstairs and sitting beside me on couch. You could cut the tension between us, but I totally wasn't in a mood for arguing not after he made his biggest title with national team.

"Can we talk?" he asked, and I just closed my eyes on a second, but I decided to ignore him until I got myself in a mood for talk that would end with arguing

"I get that I didn't have to react like that, but I wanted to make sure you both were okay before you leave, and I just wanted to make it to see you before you leave" he said but I didn't response to him what caused him to leave living room

The evening was passing by and to make it even worse and more tension between us Ben went for a walk with Oscar as I was riding Grace in a stroller. It was the most awkward silence between us since we met, and I didn't like it. When we got back home it was almost 7pm and I went to make Grace bath and get her ready for sleep.

As soon as I put Grace in her bed, I took a speaker with me to living room because Ben was taking a shower. I was about to call girls on facetime, but I stopped myself when I heard Ben through the speaker.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay before you leave, I'm not mad at mummy, I just thought I did something wrong yesterday and that she got mad because of that" I heard him saying to Grace not aware I was hearing him

Mrs. Chilly
I'm sorry but I can't facetime tonight, I had a little misunderstand with Ben. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I sent to group chat with girls and left my phone on coffee table leaving to bedroom.

I went to bathroom to do my night routine. When I got back to bedroom Ben was already lying with closed eyes which means he probably fell asleep, but I wasn't at bathroom that long so I'm sure he is pretending that he is asleep. I kissed Grace on forehead and climb to bed lying closer to Ben. He didn't move so I totally approached him that I put my leg on his and put my hand on his cheek rubbing my thumb over his cheek.

"I'm sorry" I whispered pecking his lips "I don't want to argue" I whispered kissing the corner of his lips before I rest my head on his chest and he soon enough put his hand on my back letting me know he heard me

"I don't want that either" he whispered kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back that he knows was always helping me to fall asleep after a long day "I miss you" he whispered and I immediately cursed the moment I said sorry to him and snuggled to him, sometimes he is acting like total horny teenager

I tried to pull away from his arms, but he didn't let me, and I could hear him laughing at me.

"Just wanted to see your reaction" he said hugging me tightly

"But I miss you too" I said quietly, and he leaned on the side looking at me

"Just wanted to see your reaction" I imitated him as he just squeezed me even more what caused me to laugh at his chest to make sure my laughter wasn't too loud because of Grace a little away from us

"I love you" he said as we both stopped laughing at each other

"I love you too" I said and looked up at him

"Goodnight my love" he said kissing me

"goodnight, babe" I said resting my head on his chest and falling asleep

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