90. Champions

706 19 11

~JUNE, 2024~

4 years ago, England national team was in the same position as they are now. They are in the finals of Euro2024 but this time it is against homies, Germany and England. Couldn't be better for mental health of Chelsea players but they are all at the top of Europe so I hope they all will be okay.

I'm at Allianz Arena with Grace, Sophia, my family, Ben's family, Mason's family, Paula and Sophia before big match. For now, it was only us girls together with Grace and Daisy as boys were doing their last training before match and before fans even started filling arena.

"Daisy" Ben shouted across pitch showing her to come closer to him

"Can I?" she asked me as I smiled at her

"He won't call you if you can't" I said pinching her cheek as she just smiled and ran towards Ben and his teammates

We were sitting on bench talking and looking at boys doing their last training. Couple of minutes before boys walked on pitch Sophia and Paula went to Germany bench as my, Ben's and Mason's families went to their seats while Sophia, Grace and I stayed at lower East stand.

Mason, Kai and Timo were playing from the start while Ben was on the bench but as I could say by his face expression he wasn't sad about that because, after all, he got an opportunity to be here since 4 years ago he wasn't and he had tough start at the World Cup 2022 not playing as much as he deserved, what at the end affected on them losing at semi-finals second world cup in row.

It was 16th minute when Goretzka scored for 1:0 for Germany. It was an early minute goal, but it still left enough time for boys to change it. At half time boys were losing 2:1 since Kai scored at 45+1' and Kane scored at 38'. It was an interesting and exciting match and I'm one hundred percent sure we won't know the result until the very end because with these two teams you can never know. I'm fully hoping England will win because it's my country after all, but also I know it won't be easy for any of boys whoever lose.

These fifteen minutes of break that we had I went to my and Ben's family. It was 63' when Ben got in the game to replace Luke. It was still 2:1 and I was getting more nervous as each minute was passing by. Tenses between fans all around tribunes was growing by each minute until 83' when we got Mason in action, and he scored for 2:2. It left about 8 or 9 minutes until the end of match and each ball in boys' possession could be the last chance for scoring, but they didn't give up and that was what always pushes them forward, not giving up.

Last minute was passing by and it was German last shoot on goal, but Ben was on the right place in the right moment, and he took a ball from Kimmich. He went forward through some German players that left in the back until he spotted Sterling and passed it to him who at the end scored goal for win in last seconds.

Tribune of English fans were going crazy as boys at the pitch all laid down on pitch fully emotional about what they just did. All the English staff ran on the pitch to their players as German players were completely disappointed. I felt bad seeing sadness in Timo's and Kai's eyes since I really got close to them, and they were one of my best friends, but they are vice champions of Euro.

Couple of moments later my eye caught Ben and Kai hugging along with Mason and Timo little away from them. Minutes went by until both countries got their medals and England got their trophy. I saw players' girlfriends and wives going down to pitch with their children and then I saw Ben waving to me to get down as our families were already down at fence.

Sophia was following me as we were walking down to the pitch, and I was making sure I'm holding my five-months- old baby right and tightly to myself.

"congratulations" I said as I walked towards Ben

"Thank you, my love," he said kissing the corner of my lips

He smiled at Grace giving her eskimo kisses before he kissed her forehead.

"Hey baby" he whispered to her kissing the top of her head before he turned around to Mason who was giving him trophy to us to take a picture with it.

Since I was holding Grace in my arms, he held trophy England personal photographer took a picture of the three of us. Beside all other photographers that were taking pictures off everyone this time I didn't care a little about it and I could say Ben realised that because he was much comfortable beside me as people were taking pictures of us.

When I saw German players going to tunnel and locker rooms I quickly went towards Timo, Paula, Kai and Sophia as Grace stayed with Ben and our families.

"Kai" I called him as he was walking with Sophia behind everyone else

"hey" he said as he and Sophia turned to me

"Hey, it was an amazing match, congratulations" I said, and he hugged me

"Thank you" he said and a second later I heard Timo beside us

"My favourite physiotherapist" Timo said as I just smiled at him hugging him

"Congratulations my favourite German" I said, and I heard Kai mumbling something unsatisfied with my nickname to Timo

"Thank you" Timo said as we separated from each other

"You know that I am still not happy with that nickname, and we really have to talk about that" Kai said fake crying as Sophia, Paula, Timo and I just laughed at him

"it's okay, Kai, you're all we need in Chelsea" I said tapping his shoulder

"Yeah, you just want to comfort me now, but it doesn't help" he said pretending to be hurt

"What if I say no one of you is my favourite German?" I asked and they both looked at me confused as Sophia and Paula was trying not to laugh along with me

"Then who is?" Timo asked and I looked at last German players entering tunnel

"Joshua and Robert" I said

"she's lying" Timo said to Kai waving his hand

"you're my favourites and I am so proud of both of you" I said and hugged each of them once again

"Now we are going at that long waited break and we'll be back at Chelsea bothering you before you can even imagine" Kai said and I just smiled realised that I'm going to be back at work next month but only on half shift

"I really miss that" I said

"And we miss you too" Timo said and then I saw Ben laughing with Daisy as Grace was in Mason's arms

"Better for you to get your baby before that clumsy man drop it" Timo said and I smiled

"To be honest he is better than you at that" I said punching his shoulder and went to hug Sophia and Paula "Girls' night at facetime tomorrow evening?" I asked looking at Sophia and then at Paula

"yes" Sophia said, and I said goodbye to them getting back to Ben, Mason and our families

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