61. Birthday Weekend

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"Are you ready?" Ben asked with a huge smile on his face

"I'm so excited" I said

The plan for the weekend was to go to spa together and get matching tattoos on Friday, it will be my first tattoo and that made Ben even more excited. On Saturday evening we will go city panorama with hot air balloon and on Sunday Ben has a match at 3pm so we decided that we will just watch some movie after match. Having girl massagers didn't went well from my side. I couldn't relax and I was looking at Ben the whole time. He was so relaxed while I was exploding of jealously.

"Why couldn't you get a guy massager?" I asked as we were walking towards room for pedicure, he was complaining over this but after massage I don't care about his opinion

"Why you need to ruin the moment?" he asked wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him

"it's your fault" I said as we entered room for pedicure

"we're 1:1 now, massage and pedicure, you can't be mad" he said


"Els" I heard Ben's voice as he was tapping my arm and I opened my eyes

"Yes?" I asked and looked at him

"It left 10 minutes so I thought it's good idea to wake you up" he said

"okay" I mumbled and looked up at ceiling

Mask on my face was already so tight and I felt my face squeeze, but it was so needed after a long time I had proper face mask time. The next two hours we spent on face massage and just relaxing beside pool. It was lovely evening to spend it with Ben, but I still haven't forgotten him that massage.

"Miles stayed longer just because of us" Ben said as he was driving us from spa to his friend's tattoo place

"When we get home, you can give me proper massage because I see you're still not over that massage" he said, and I rolled my eyes pushing his hand away from my thigh "Ela, come on, you can't be mad because of that, at Chelsea women are touching me almost every day and you don't make scenes like this" he said stopping car on the parking lot

"I'm making scenes?" I asked still completely calm

"I'm jealous and you know that, but I'm jealous because I'm scared of losing you" I said

"You thought you will lose me because of one massage?" he asked

"She was touching you Ben, only you know how you felt, if you liked her touches more than mine, if you liked her hands more than you like mine-"

"Stop, don't say a word more" he said putting his finger on my lips

"if I knew you feel this way I will never do that, but you have to know that I was just relaxed and okay yes, she has a good hands but that's because she is massager and she gives massages every day, but you're still my girl, I'm still loving only you, I'm still feeling shivers when only you touch me, I've worked with a lot of women but I still likes my physiotherapist the most and no one ever made me feel like you did when you first touched my ankle that day" he said at the moment stroking my cheek not having his finger on my lips anymore "it's okay to be jealous, I'm jealous too, but don't think I will leave you because of the someone else's touch" he said

"But if she is more beautiful than me?" I asked and he shook his head

"Not a chance, there is no more beautiful girl than you" he said

"I'm about to get matching tattoos with you, which means I don't see myself with anyone else" he said and kissed me

"don't worry that much, okay? And you know you can tell me everything no matter what is bothering you, okay?" he said, and I nodded

"Now let's go get those tattoos" he said and kissed me once again

"You go first" I said letting Ben to go get his tattoo first

"Are you that scared?" he joked smiling before he gets in the other room

About half an hour later Ben got out of room as I just smiled at him.

"Show me" I said but he just shook his head

"Get your and then we will look at each other's" he said kissing my forehead

He sat on the couch where I was sitting until few moments ago. I entered room where Miles was waiting for me.

"Are you scared of needle?" Miles asked and I shook my head before responding no

"Which one first?" he asked getting his things ready

"I actually want some more beside the ones matched with Ben's, if you can of course" I said, and he just smiled

"Depends how much work we have with it" he said, and I knew he thought on the hour that already was "that's fine we can do them today" he said after I showed him what I want

"So, ribs first?" he asked, and I nodded lying on my right hip

"Not scared of pain?" he asked "the ribs and fingers are one of the most painful places for tattoos that's why I'm asking" he explained

"I'm used on pain" I said, and his smile faded, he didn't say anything more just started to make my tattoos

Live is worth living, the quote by Justin that I got on my ribs. Underneath that I got birth flower of February, August and December all together. The matching tattoos that Ben and I got are Yin and Yang tattoos on our wrists and the second tattoos we got are constellation chart zodiac signs of each other. Two more tattoos that I got are date of when Ben asked me to be his girlfriend which was now tattooed on the side of my left ring finger and little heart on my left middle finger that Ben drawn me on the card message for Valentine's Day.

"thank you" I said and smiled at Miles as he told me that I'm done

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