96. Moody

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It past another week that was much different than all before. There were tenses between Ben and I because he was so moody not wanting to talk to me about anything.

"I'm going out" Ben said from hallway not even looking at me nor that he would kiss me as always before he leaves

I didn't say anything just exhaled frustrated with this Ben and got back to TV show I was watching as Grace was hard asleep for five hours already.

The next morning, I woke up on the couch where I was watching TV. I looked at my phone and saw that was 5am. I stood up and went to check Grace who didn't peep once since she fell asleep yesterday and that was for now 10 full hours of sleep which will probably give me at least half more hour to make breakfast. I walked beside Ben's and mine room, but doors were half opened signalling he didn't come home at night what caused bad thoughts to fly through my head, but I tried to shake it off.

I entered Grace's room, and she was peacefully sleeping. I kissed her forehead going to bathroom and then back downstairs to make us breakfast while my mind couldn't let Ben out of my head thinking about where he can be. It was 11am when Ben finally decided to come home. I was with Grace in living room playing on floor and I didn't even try to look at him and he didn't mind going immediately upstairs not to get closer to his daughter at least.

Everything was collecting in me, and I was so close to explode on him, but I gave my best not to react bad while Grace is here. Day was more tensed than any other and I couldn't be in the same house with man who didn't even look at his daughter and wife once nor to speak anything past 7 hours.

I got Grace ready, and I decided to go for walk with her as it was nearly time for her to fall asleep so walk will help her but also me to get my mind from Ben and his shitty behaviour.


Ben and I were getting on better, and that day was the last day of Ben being moody and after that he apologized for acting like that and he said he got into night with boys and that he spent night with one of old friend that he didn't see for a long time. At the moment Ben was at his home gym while Grace was spending evening with Mason and Sophia, and I was getting through documents for work.

"No Oscar, stay here" I said to Oscar as bell rang and he started going crazy

I stood up and walked towards doors opening them.

"hello" woman in front of me said and I could say I was exploding inside me, what is Ben's ex doing on our doorstep?

"hey" I said trying not to sound rude

"Is Ben home?" she asked without introduction or anything

"May I know who is asking?" I asked even if I knew very well who she is

"Joanna" she said and raised her hand which I not much happy shook

"Ben is in gym" I said not knowing do I want to let her inside or not

"When is he going to be back?" she asked and just when I wanted to say something I heard Ben talking to Oscar

"Ela? who is it?" he asked walking towards doors as Joanna, and I were just staring at each other

She was beautiful but she has no right to come to his ex's doors knowing he has wife and daughter and that he moved on almost 7 years ago.

"Joanna? What are you doing here?" he asked surprised about seeing his ex on his doorstep

"I have to talk with you about something really serious" she said, and I looked confused at her and then at Ben who gave me his I don't know look

"what's that serious that we have to talk about?" Ben asked

"I'm pregnant" she said, and my heart stopped beating, I froze on the place and felt dizzy

"What?" Ben asked laughing at her sarcastically

"Can we talk inside?" she asked, and he let her in as she immediately reached to Oscar who started jumping on her

"I do-" he tried to touch me, but I just pushed him away walking towards living room wanting to hear what she has to say even if I knew it's going to break me and that I'm going to leave this house right after I hear this

"I really don't know what I have with this but go ahead and please be honest, my wife is here, and I don't need your stupid lies" he said as I sent, her death look

"We will see how long I will stay your wife" I said, and he looked at me with sad face expression

"Three months ago, when we hang out, I don't know how much you remember because we were drunk but we slept" she said and I looked at Ben more surprised by every second "Yesterday I was at my gynaecologist because I was feeling sick the whole time and I skipped two times that at it I will find out that I'm pregnant" she said

"you're lying" Ben said looking at me with that is not true look

"it's true Ben, you were the last person I slept with" she said handing him photos from ultrasound and I couldn't listen to this anymore and I explode

"So that is the friend you stayed at the whole night and came home late next morning while I was taking care of our daughter and thinking where you can be?" I asked madly as he just shook his head "You made me believe that you were with old friends that you didn't see for a long time, but it was all just a lie to hide this?" I asked as tears were already filling my eyes

"Ela, I ca-"

"You can nothing, this is.... the end" I said

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