74. Real Reactions

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The weekend after we told our parents we got invitation for dinner with Ben's parents.


We are on way to Ben's parents. I had one of my hands on my belly as Ben was holding my other hand while driving.

After dinner at Ben's house when we got confusing reactions, I didn't know what to expect next. This dinner can be because they want to give a positive reaction on our engagement and my pregnancy. It also may be to give a negative reaction and tell us they don't support our decision.

"Do you want me to stay at coffee shop?" Ben asked and I shook my head

I don't drink coffee as I used to before, even when I drink it that's once, the most twice, per week.

"here" he said and handed me his bottle of water

"thanks" I smiled at him putting the bottle on my lap pressing kiss on Ben's hand that I was holding


"Ela, can I have a word with you?" Sally asked as we were all sitting in living room after dinner as Ben was looking at something on laptop with his dad

My eyes met Ben's and he gave me supportive gaze. He was always saying all the amazing things about his mum but the one that I loved the most was when he said that she was never impressed with any girl that Ben ever hang out as much as she is with me and that most of the girls, she didn't even what to meet until at least a year of relationship.

I walked after Sally in the kitchen.

"If you are, you really don't have to be scared of me" Sally said with a grin on her face as she placed her hand on the top of mine that was laying on table

"I called you to talk with you alone because I want you to see some things from away" she said, and I got confused

"Look at him" she said turning around showing me with head to look at Ben and I did so

"You probably didn't saw it before because you never saw him with other people but since he met you everything's changed" she said and looked at me as I was saving all the words deep in my head

"I've never, in his entire life, saw him like this. I've never saw this much love in his eyes until you came into his life. I've never heard him talking about someone with that sparkle in his eyes, I saw it every time we talked in person, when we talked through the phone, I could imagine him with a smile on his face, that's a mother thing, you know what is happening with you child just by the sound of their voice. I think I don't have to mention the way he looks at you, the way he held your hand when he said he proposed to you. I saw fear in both of your eyes when you were telling us news, but you really didn't have to. It was just real surprise for us because we never saw Ben this happy. We are happy for both of you, and we can't wait to see you become parents. Ben really loves babies, and I can't wait to see him with his own" Sally said and I couldn't help myself, few tears left my eyes as she pulled me into hug

I saw Ben looking at us while Sally was hugging me, and Wayne was telling Ben something, but he was still looking at us.


Just a reminder of that conversation between Sally and me makes me emotional and all the hormones are just making it worse.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ben asked wiping my cheeks as he saw tears rolling down them

"everything's okay, I just remembered that conversation with your mum" I said, and he laughed kissing the corner of my lips

"And now you tell me I wasn't right when I told you that you don't have to worry" he said smiling at me

"And now you tell me that you weren't worried just a little bit" I said, and he just laughed

"Okay yes, I was but see, we were worrying without need" he said touching my nose with his index finger as my mind flew back to the night with the Chelsea squad


The evening after dinner with our parents. I am still not over the reactions we've got but I am trying not to show it in front of Ben because he is telling me the whole time that those are just first reactions and first shock, that I don't have nothing to worry about and that everything will be okay, but I am still worrying.

I put on my favourite black dress and heels getting ready for night out with boys.

We agreed to meet at club and when Ben and I came to the club almost everyone who said they will come were already there. Some of boys couldn't make it but we will see them tomorrow on the training so we will tell the rest the boys then.

"Look at our couple, freshly engaged couple" Timo cheered as Ben and walked hand in hand towards them

"Good evening" Ben said as the boys started standing up hugging each of us congratulations us on engagement

James waved to waiter, and he came towards us.

"What would you drink?" James asked looking at Ben and me

"Good fellas and..." Ben said and looked at me "just tonic" I said as the boys who heard me looked at me confused

"Tonic?" Timo asked confused

"yeah" I said

"Come on, it's a celebrating night, you should have some alcohol" Timo said

"I can't have any alcohol" I said

"Good fellas and tonic" Ben said to waiter, and he went to the bar

"don't tell me you came with car and not Uber" Timo said unsatisfied

"We came with Uber, don't worry, I just can't have any alcohol" I said and then I heard James

"Ela" he called me, and I looked at him

"You can't have any alcohol?" he asked, and I nodded

"You have to be kidding" he said looking at me and then at Ben as everyone else were looking at us confused


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