35. Blue Birthday

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"yes" I said as someone knocked on the door of my office

"Can you come to the hall for a second?" Mason asked looking through half opened door

"Um, okay, give me a second" I said and lightly smiled at him

"okay" he said and left

I finished the sentence I was writing, and I went to the hall. They had evening training because they have match tomorrow at 2pm. It was dark in the hall, and I was confused about what is happening.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all screamed throwing confetti and balloons on me as lights went on

"Oh my gosh" I mumbled smiling while I was on the edge to cry of happiness

"Happy birthday Els" Mason said hugging me as I didn't know what to say

"Happy birthday bestie" Timo yelled hugging me what caused me to laugh

In just few minutes I got more hugs than I did in 23 years of my life.

"Are you kidding me?" I whined as I saw Ben with cake

"Happy birthday love" he said kissing me on the cheek as he stood in front of me

"Thank you" I said smiling at him and looking at cake

"blue" I said laughing

"we're blue" he said smiling at me

"Blow out the candles" he said, and I just smiled even more

"Since it's not nice to ask a girl for years, I deliberately mistaken the number of candles, so they won't understand" he said what caused me laugh at him

"Thank you" I said and wanted to blow candles, but he stopped me

"Wish, miss fancy" he said

"you're so childish" I whined at him

"Make a wish" he said, and I closed my eyes making wish

"Can I blow candles now?" I asked and he smiled even more

"Yes, my love" he said, and I blow out the candles, there were 2 candles less than it should be what caused me to smile

"PARTY TIME" Timo shouted and everyone laughed, he knows very well that there are no parties a night before match

"Just kidding" he said looking at Thomas who just laughed at him

"Cut a cake" Mason said and Ben put cake on the table as I took knife from table and started cutting cake as I didn't take smile off my face

As I was cutting cake and putting pieces on plates everyone was taking plates by themselves. I laughed loud as I saw the colour of cake inside.

"you're so obsessed with blue" I said to Ben as he was standing beside me

"I always was" he said and got closer to me "but now I'm even more because it's a colour of your eyes" he whispered to me

"I love you" I whispered kissing him on the cheek

"I know" he said opinionated

Rest of the evening we spent just chatting and having fun until Ben decided is time for us to go home.

"Okay guys, leave her" Ben said pulling me closer to him

"Look at him, we won't take her from you, don't worry brother" Christian said tapping Ben's shoulder

"ELA" Kepa shouted at me, and I looked towards at him

"Yes?" I asked

"I heard you're speaking Spanish" he said sounding surprised

"Yes, I do" I said and smiled

"finalmente alguien que pueda entendernos a los chicos y a mí en español" he said as Ben and boys who were near us looked at him confused

"He said, finally someone who can understand the boys and him on Spanish" I told boys and turned back to Kepa

"sería bueno practicar más mis habilidades en español" I said smiling at him (eng. it would be good to practice my Spanish skills more)

"entonces, ¿hablaremos español a partir de ahora?" he asked smiling (eng. so, we're speaking Spanish from now on?)

"eso estaría bien" I said and smiled at him (eng. that would be nice)

"Okay, stop" Ben said standing next to me putting his arm around my waist

"What?" I asked and looked at him

"You sound really good but stop speaking Spanish, I don't like when people talk, and I don't understand it" he said, and I laughed

"Hasta mañana" Kepa said (eng. see you tomorrow)

"Kepa" Ben warned him

"Hasta mañana Kepa" I said and he left as I laughed at Ben's jealousy

"it's not funny" he said frowning at me

"I just told him it would be nice to practice my Spanish skills more and he said that we can speak Spanish from now on then" I said

"Ugh, you really like to do this?" he asked

"What?" I asked confused "oh Benny boy, you're just so jealous" I said pinching his cheeks

"I am not jealous" he said looking at me seriously "it's late" he added pulling me by hand

"it's 7pm Ben" I said

"it's late" he said

"GUYS" I shouted as everyone looked at me "thank you all so much for this, I didn't expect it and it was really nice surprise" I said and smiled

"Once again thanks and see you all tomorrow" I said and soon enough I was in Ben's car

"Ben" I called him as he was just fully focused on the road "Ben, what's wrong?" I asked looking at him

"what's wrong?" he asked stopping the car on the parking spot "You ask me what's wrong?" he asked looking at me

"yes" I said quietly not happy of his speaking tone

"That was flirting Ela" he said "and you will speak Spanish so I won't understand it and you can flirt with each other" he added not taking a gaze from me

"Flirting?" I asked not believing what he is saying

"Yes, flirting Ela" he said, and I got closer to him as much as I could

"It wasn't flirting Ben; he has a girlfriend after all" I said putting my hand on his cheek

"If he saw it as flirting then he is wrong, if he tried to flirt with me then he did it wrong because I didn't saw it and his girlfriend definitely won't like it" I said stroking his cheek

"it's you Ben, it's only you I see on that way, okay?" I asked

"I'm sorry" he said looking at me "I didn't want to ruin your birthday" he said and hugged me

"I'm sorry" he said and kissed me on the cheek

"it's okay Ben" I whispered hugging him

"let's go home" he said and smiled at me

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