75. Night Out With Friends

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"You have to be kidding" he said looking at me and then at Ben as everyone else were looking at us confused

"Wait, wait, no alcohol" Jorginho came into the conversation probably realising what is happening

"No alcohol" James repeated and looking at Ben who just gave him a yes look

"Oh, my goodness" James said "no way" he mumbled

"What?" boys asked confused looking at each other

"thanks" Ben said to waiter giving me my tonic as he took his good fellas

"Shall I?" James asked and Ben and I nodded

"Women can't have alcohol when they're pregnant" James said and the first one who realised what he actually said were Reece, Kepa and Mateo

"warten, warten" Timo mumbled confused

"English Timo" Kai said tapping Timo's shoulder

"Wait, are you kidding?" he asked, and I just smiled shaking my head

"We are completely honest" Ben said holding my hand

Couple of minutes later we were both hugged once again from all the boys as they congratulations us after what we were talking the most about Ben's nervousness and how James, Reece, Mason and Harvey knew that he is going to propose to me. It was weird to be only woman beside the bunch of boys who are getting drunk, but I've been working with them for two and half years now and it wasn't nothing new to me instead that now they were getting drunk, and I will need to take care of all of them.

"We met for the second time here, you were drinking good fellas, got drunk and I took you to my apartment, remember?" Ben asked leaning closer to me

"The headache from the next day is going to be always in here" I said pointing to my head as he laughed kissing me on the cheek

"I feel bad for you because you can't relax just as you deserve now" he said pulling me closer to him

"Seeing you happy and your teammates support us is enough to make me relax" I said but then I felt sick

"Are you okay?" he asked worried

"Just the smell of alcohol" I pointed to the part of table were some of the boys just slipped a glass of alcohol "I have to go to bathroom" I said and stood up walking to the bathrooms

Soon enough as I walked into bathroom, I vomited everything what I ate before we came here.

"Hey, it's okay" I heard Ben behind me pulling my hair from my face "Why are you-" I vomited before I could finish the sentence

"it's okay, get over this and we will leave" he said rubbing my back for support

"Go to the boys please, I'll be out in a minute" I said not wanting him to see me like this, vomiting and feeling sick without a reason, you're pregnant, of course you're feeling sick, my stupid voice

Couple of moments later, after I vomited for the third time, I cleaned my face with fresh water, and we got back to the boys. Ben went to their table telling them that we are sorry for leaving so soon but that I don't feel well while I went to the bar paying for all the drinks boys drank so far.


"I will do that, go to bed, if you need anything just tell me" Ben said kissing my forehead when I wanted to take Oscar's bowls and give him a water for the night

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