88. Besties Match

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Since Ben and I were the main people yesterday we should stay at venue until the last person left, which means I had to let Grace with Ben's and my parents and Daisy because they stayed in London in my apartment that was completely empty since I moved in with Ben.

Daisy girl, my little sister that just light up my whole day just because she was there with me on this important day in my life. I didn't saw her much because I was all around the venue trying to give my attention to all the people that were on our wedding what caused me to spend less time with Ben's and my family.

"you're already awaken" Ben mumbled getting closer to me hugging me tightly as his head was lying on my shoulder

"it's 11am" I said, and I could say without even seeing that he rolled his eyes

"First morning as man and wife and you're already making me roll my eyes" he said, and I just laughed

"I'm sorry sleepy head" I said kissing the top of his head

If you were asking him, we will sleep the whole day today, but I really can't.

"I dreamt that we had really nice honeymoon and then I didn't feel you close to me and that woke me up" he said, and I looked down at him as he lifted his head looking at me

"Where were we?" I asked

"Maldives" he said, and I nodded getting lost in my thoughts about Maldives with him

"You want us to go to Maldives?" I asked and looked at him

"Far away from curious eyes, peace, beautiful place, just what we need after everything" he said and kissed my neck

"You still know we can't leave Grace this little" I said, and he nodded

"I totally understand, we don't have to go right away" he said "We can go, I don't know, on our first anniversary, Grace will be almost a year and half then" he said, and I nodded

It past a week since I became Mrs. Chilwell. Today Ben is playing his first international match and that is against Germany. I was in family box with Grace, Kennedy, James, Leo, Sophia and a little away from us were Paula and Sophia that came to us when I called Sophia telling her we are a little away from them. I felt bad because James wasn't called up for second Euro and third big international duty even, he really proved himself in Leicester. I felt tap on my shoulder and looked on the left where Kennedy was smiling showing me with head to look down at Leo and Grace holding hands.

I wanted to take my phone, but Kennedy told me that James already took a photo of them and sent it to Ben immediately even if he will see it after match. I saw Ben taking corner and Harry Maguire took his kick well and scored. I pointed to the corner of pitch where boys were hugging each other showing it to Grace. I felt bad because all of us were cheering for our boys while Sophia and Paula weren't because their country and boyfriends just got a goal.

Match ended 2:1 and of course that were Mason and Kai who scored. After the match Sophia, Mason, James, Kennedy, Kai, Sophia, Timo, Paula, Reece, Ben and I spend the rest of the day together at the stadium and Declan joined us with Lauren.

I didn't spend much time with Declan and Lauren before and I don't know Lauren much, but I heard from Mason about her and I would really love to get to know her better. About Declan I know just as much as medias knows but Mason couldn't stop about talking about his friendship with Declan since they were young.

"You must be Ela" Declan said smiling at me and raising his hand to me

"And you must be Declan" I said smiling and carefully holding Grace in my arm and raising other to him

"it's nice to meet you finally" he said

"definitely" I said, and Lauren got closer to us

"This is Lauren, my girlfriend" Declan said and I raised my hand to her

"And this is Ela....and little Chilwell, Grace" Declan said and the three of us smiled even more

"I see you met" Ben said wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing Grace's forehead

"She is the whole you" Declan said to Ben as Grace hold on to his finger

"Do you, finally, believe it?" I asked Ben looking at him as he took Grace in his arms

"Um, we can discuss about it" he said and winked at me as I rolled my eyes playfully and walked with Lauren towards girls

Evening went amazing even that Grace fell asleep soon after I got her back in my arms. Leo, on the other hand, was energetic this evening and he was a lot around Grace with even Kennedy or James or Ben.

"We really have to leave now" Ben said as I put Grace in her baby cart

"I will see you soon" I said hugging Sophia, Paula, Kai and Timo

They carefully kissed Grace on forehead and Ben and I soon after left.

When we got home Ben put Grace in bed as I had to check some e-mails, I got past few days about guys that stayed at Chelsea. I must leave for work tomorrow to get some paperwork I need to check out but fortunately Ben is home tomorrow so he will take care of Grace that an hour I will be out.

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