79. Daddy's Birthday Present

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"Happy birthday" I giggled brushing my nose over his as he opened his eyes

"m-mm, thank you" he said laying on his hip and hugging me "less than two months baby girl" he rubbed my belly leaving kiss on it

"Can we say what date you are due to?" he asked looking at me

"Um.... about my birthday" I said

"Now I really want her to wait and be born on your birthday" he said, and I just smiled at him kissing the top of his nose

"What do you want to do today?" I asked

"Spend day with my fiancé and baby girl" he said putting his hand on my belly

"You do that every day" I said

"so, I'm going to do it today too" he struggled

"don't you think it should be special? Not like every other day" I said

"Every day is special with you" he said

"You know what I meant" I said, and he rolled his eyes playfully smiling

"Yeah, I know" he said "firstly I need to feed my two favourite girls on the world" he said standing up and coming on my side of the bed giving me a hand


After we ate, we sat on the couch. Ben was watching some things on his laptop as I was just looking at him or at the ceilings thinking about my life.

Thinking about how lucky I am to have him beside me. How lucky I am to have a dream job, to work with all these amazing people. How lucky I am that for couple of months I will marry the love of my life. How lucky I am that I'm going to raise my baby girl with someone like Ben. How lucky I am to have all these people around me that supports me.

"Hey little one, good morning" I smiled down at my belly rubbing it

Ben put his laptop on the coffee table getting closer to me and laying his head closer to my belly.

"Did she kicked?" he asked surprised after she kicked one more time

"She did" I said

"Oh my gosh, I felt her" he said and leaned back closer to my belly

"She said happy birthday daddy" I smiled at him as he left kisses on my belly

"It can't be better" he said looking up at me smiling "I will definitely remember this year's birthday the most of all my birthdays" he said kissing me


The day we spent chilling at house. Reece, Mason and Harvey came over to spend evening with Ben while I was sitting on the chair at the kitchen ocean doing some things for work.

I stood up walking towards doors as I heard bell ringing and Ben and I looked confused at each other. I looked through spyhole and I immediately smiled opening doors.

"Ela" Daisy said happily immediately hugging him but still carefully to my belly

"Hey sweetie" I said kissing the top of her head

"Hey little one" she said rubbing my belly as I smiled even more

"Do I hear Daisy?" we heard Ben shouting from living room and she giggled running towards living room

She grown so much, and I can't believe I lost 8 years of her life because of my parents that are now again in my life, and I just feel bad because of everything that happened between us, but I am still not completely over the lie that my mom came out with 9 years ago.

"hey" I said and hugged dad letting them in

"How is my granddaughter?" dad asked smiling

"she's very well, Ben felt her moving for the first time today" I said smiling as we were walking towards living room from where were already coming loud laughter

When we entered living room, I saw Ben tickling Daisy as she was laughing out loud along with all the boys smiling at her.

"I'm kidding Ben" Daisy said through the laughter and Ben stopped tickling her

"I wanted to surprise you so mum, and dad brought me here" she said, and Ben kissed her forehead

"Happy birthday" she said hugging him as my heart melted and I felt myself at the edge to cry, but I tried so hard to stop my hormones


"And then boom, I saw my favourite footballer in the middle of circle that made my other favourite footballers" Daisy said demonstrating Ben's goal from four days ago

"How is fair that he is favourite of both girls in your family?" Mason asked acting insulted

"He is just the cutest" she said struggling as everyone laughed

"you're the cutest" Ben said pinching her cheek as she giggled

The rest of the day went by well, we had spent the whole evening together as boys were having fun and laughter with Daisy.

Alex called me a little ago because Ben didn't answer her calls, so she got worried. She said that they will come on Saturday evening and stay till Sunday evening.

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