89. Paperwork

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As soon as I woke up the next morning, I went to Cobham to take the paperwork I must check out. When I got in hallway there was only couple of people who was taking care of the Cobham, so I immediately went to my office taking papers that waited for me on my desk. I looked around office and check out my computer to see if there is anything else I can do.

I got back home an hour and half later and the house was still so quiet, not a single noise. I left my papers at the coffee table and went upstairs to check on Ben and Grace. They were still sleeping so peacefully, and I just smiled at the sight as my heart melted. Ben had his arms carefully wrapping around Grace's waist as he was holding her close to him, so she wasn't in danger of falling from bed.

I took a photo of them and left them sleeping as I went downstairs to living room. I sat on couch as Oscar climb on the couch beside me. I took some papers and read them. I got lost in my thoughts and paperwork when I heard Grace's soft voice babbling. I turned over and saw Ben carrying her downstairs with him as she was already changed from her pyjamas.

"Good morning" I smiled at them as they got closer to me

"morning" Ben said and kissed me on the cheek

I took Grace in my arms and kissed her cheeks as she was smiling.

"someone's so smiley since she woke up" I said giving her eskimo kisses as she smiled even more

"You were at Cobham?" Ben asked looking at papers that were on table

"Yes, I went as soon as I woke up and you were still hard asleep when I came back" I said putting Grace down on couch on her back as she had her little toy in hand

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked as he looked up at me from Grace

"Whatever you want" he said, and I stood up kissing him and going to kitchen as he stayed with Grace

We spent day in living room, Ben was lying beside Grace playing with her on the couch as I was checking the rest of the paper that left from morning. Days like this are my favourites days, all of us together at home, spending day together and relaxing. My phone light up at the coffee table and I picked it answering on call from Sophia.

"hey" I said continuing looking at papers

"Hey, you" she said, and I smiled "I wanted to ask if you're for girls' night this weekend. Sophia, Paula and Kennedy will come and maybe Lauren too" she said

"They will come just for a girl's night?" I asked confused by Sophia and Paula coming from Germany just because of girls' night

"Not that they are living here while boys are at Chelsea but okay" she said, and I could imagine her rolling her eyes at the moment

"I don't know, Soph" I said and looked at wall in front of me

I don't want to leave Grace alone the whole evening, I mean she won't be alone, Ben's or mine parents will come if he has training, and it will really make Daisy happy.

"Come on, it's just one night, I know you have to be with Grace" she said, and I exhaled

"I will let you know, I promise" I said and looked at Ben who was playing peek-a-boo with Grace

"Okay, I will see you then" she said

"See you, bye" I said

"Kiss Grace from me" she said, and I smiled looking down at her

"I will" I said

"okie, bye bye" she said

"bye" I said and put my phone down on coffee table "Auntie Soph sent you this" I said kissing Grace's forehead

"Do you have training on Saturday?" I asked

"We have match at Friday evening in Amsterdam but I'm home on Saturday morning" he said

"okay" I said and got back to last few papers

He will be too tired from training, match and trip so I won't let him without rest and to take care of Grace because of night out with girls.

"You can go out" he said, and I shook my head without even looking at him

"no" I said, and he sat beside me, even if he was now between me and Grace, she was still close to him so he can protect her but she is still small for some quick moves

"For me" he said as I looked at him

"I'm actually not in a mood for going out" I said honestly even if I missed it but staying home with my baby girl is now my favourite activity

"I will ask Daisy if she wants to come so we will spend day with Grace and maybe James and Leo will join us, so you definitely don't have to worry" he said

"I really want you to relax, to have night for yourself, to have night out with friends... I'm with my friends practically every day at trainings and I really can finally give you a night out and stay alone with Grace" he said looking at me with that gaze I hate just because I can't say no to it

"For me....and Grace, please" he said putting the lock of my hair behind my ear

"okay" I said giving up to him

"nice" he said and kissed me "I can't wait to go on honeymoon" he said kissing my forehead

"Me too" I said

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