New best friend!

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        It was now just a stare off as I stare at Spinel and she does the same the silence is soon cut short by ?

?: Who is this are they an enemy???

Y/n: No they are not an enemy but could be one very easily we have to be careful

We continue to just stare at eachother as I start remember the sad backstory of this poor gem as I look at her sadly vines still covering her shoes I decide to take the first move as I walk to her

Spinel: Hey uhh what exactly are you???

Y/n: I would say shard human hybrid but you dont understand me

I get closer to Spinel as I go to cup her face with my blade hands she sees it and jumps back from me as I sit there confused

?: She probably thought we were attacking her we do have weapons for hands

Y/n: Yeah didn't think of that

I then look at Spinel as I see her look at the footprints left in the ground from where she stood

Spinel: I-I guess I l-lost the g-game

I then watch as she falls to her knees and starts to cry as I cant help but feel my heart lurch in my body as I immediately walk over to her and just stand over her unsure of what to do

?: What game?

Y/n: A very unfair one

I go behind her as I wrap all of my arms around her torso and place my head onto her shoulder as I let her cry she stiffens her body at my touch but eventually relaxes as she crys until its nothing but a little whimper then into nothing as I gently let her go

?: She is asleep

Y/n: Yeah I think she deserves a little rest. Say why did we come here when we warped???

?: We thought of a place alone and full of vegetation that is where it took us

Y/n: Well it did a good job the gems wont find us here

?: Yes though I would like to make this a base of operations we would have to clean up!

Y/n: Huh? Well I dont mind to clean up its mostly vines and greenery and well our hands are quite literally made to cut things

?: Then we better get to work we have a lot to do

We nod together as we start to cut at the vines going at a pretty good pace cutting them down little by little working together as we clean up the garden


After awhile we finally finished cutting all the shrubbery and made the place look nice besides the fallen pillars and the worn down structure and just in time as we hear Spinel stur from her sleep

?: The Spinel is up

Y/n: Ah just in time I hope she likes what we have done with the place!

I walk over to Spinel as I see her stir awake before she sits up criss crossed as I simply wait infront of her also as her eyes finally connect to my face

Spinel: H-Hello friend I uh thanks for not s-shattering me

I look down at her form as I look I notice tons of emotions pouring through her Sadness, Anger, Confusion, Happiness, Fear, as I stand over her she finally breaks eye contact before looking around

Spinel: WHOAA!!! Did you do this!

I nod my head yes happy that she has lightend up a bit I then just watch as she gets up and skips around the area taking in the now somewhat clean garden

Y/n: I am happy that we got sent here of all places

?: We will have to agree it is nice seeing them in such a mood

Spinel then runs back up to me before pulling me into a hug as she wraps her arms around me several times

Spinel: Thank you! It looks very nice! uhhh whats your name???

She then lets me go as I think of a way to communicate I get an Idea as I mark my name into the ground infront of her

Spinel: Y/n???

Y/n: Yes

She takes the noise I made as confirmation as she looks at me I stare back as I get a sudden Idea

Y/n: Hey

?: Yes?

Y/n: Want to play tag???

?: Im know some basics but not all of the game why do you want to play it???

Y/n: You'll see~

I then stick out one of my arms as I boop Spinel on the nose before running away as fast as I could

Spinel: what?...................*Gasp* Alright lets play!!!

Spinel then starts to chase after me I use my 360 degree vison and 12 legs to my advantage. I dodge eventually though she manages to tag me back.

as I then begin to chase after her which put me at a disadvantage as I now had to make sure I didn't hurt her while trying to tag her. She used her body to strech and move easily out of my attempts

Y/n: I knew she was good but geez!

Spinel: Gonna have to try a little harder~!!!

She then boops where my nose is supposed to be as I try my best to get her I get and Idea as I use one of my legs to touch her feet officially tagging her ad I run away

Spinel: Hey no fair its hard enough when you have 8 arms!!!

I let out a chuckle as I move but thats when I notice her wrap her arms and legs around 2 pillars next to her as I stop and look at her just then she slingshots herself at me tackling me to the ground tagging me in the process

Y/n: Well then that was fun!

?: Yes it really was we though we would never play a game again when we were shattered

Spinel then gets off of me as she dusts off her clothes before looking at me

Spinel: Hey I just rememberd you told me your name but I never told you mine!!!

I look at her before she reaches out her hand in the form of a handshake

Spinel: Well I'm your new best friend Spinel!!!

I grin and chuckle as I set a hand in hers as she takes it and shakes before letting go and smiling a warm smile before I notice my vision getting hazy as I fall to the ground

Spinel: H-Hey are you alright!!!

Y/n: Whats happening???

?: Our form is losing function because we haven't ingested nutrients

Y/n: I thought gems didn't need to eat?

?: Our form is not a gem it is a mix w
So we need some humanely needs such as food

My vision comes back as I get back on my legs and I look at Spinel as she looks at me with worry before I etch into the floor "Need food I will be right back"  As I go to leave I feel her arms wrap around me as she looks at me on the verge of tears

Spinel: No! Please please dont leave me alone!!!

?: This will be a problem?

Y/n: Yes but one I know how to solve

I then look at her before she lets me go as I then use my arms to pick her up and put her on my shoulders as I then go and stand on the warp pad

Spinel: What are you doing Y/n???

Y/n: If Spinel doesn't want to be alone then she won't she'll come with us!!!

?: What???

And like that I think of the beach house as we start to warp

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