The Corrupted Call

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(Concept, ^^^ change however you see fit. I'm not good at drawing humanoid monsters)

Y/n was beaming with confidence today. He made sure Spinel stayed behind so the chances of a freakout would be lessened. Steven would be dealing with a corrupted gem today.

Unity: Return... in... one... piece... Y/n and...

Y/n: Yes?

Unity: Don't... cause... trouble...

Y/n: I won't!

The horde of shards warp away as Y/n slightly frowns. He shakes his head before moving towards the beach. Thoughts about the day quickly fix the frown.

Y/n: Steven is going to try and heal the corrupted gem! If I can make sure her relocation is smooth, it should help him in the long run.

Y/n approaches the door before knocking on it. He couldn't lie, it was going to be fun knowing that Garnet couldn't see what he had planned. Especially since the fact that this could be the first uncorruption of the show.

Finally Garnet opens the doors

Garnet: Y/n.

Y/n: Garnet. Nice to see your doing alri-

Before he could continue he gets pulled up into the air, turned around, and held like a stuffed animal. Safe to say Garnet was happy that she got the whole day with the 'weak' Y/n. A fact she didn't want Y/n or Unity to know

Y/n: Oof. Hard light is definitely... hard, I can't believe people think your squishy?

Garnet: Mmm.

With a hum he is taken to the bubble room as the gems and Steven stare at Y/n

Pearl: Why did you agree to this?

Garnet: I lost a battle of will

She says before giving Y/n a squeeze and letting him go. Enjoying the yelp of sudden emotion from Y/n

Steven: Here it is!

Steven jumps up and grabs a bubbled gem. Y/n is let go before going to Steven's landing location

Steven: Gotcha!

Pearl: Is that...

Steven: It's Centipeedle. If I can help any of them, I want to help her first.

Amethyst summons her whip and reels in a bubbled Chaps to her.

Amethyst: Don't forget these!

Steven: Chaaaaps! They're her favorite! Okay. You guys ready?

Garnet nods while Amethyst and Pearl brace themselves. Steven pops the bubble and the Centipeetle begins to regenerate. Y/n smiles at the sight seeming to be the only one to focus on the threads

Amethyst: Come on dude, do your thing!

Pearl: Be careful!

While Centipeedle is regenerating, Steven licks his hand and slaps it on her gem, causing a bright light to engulf the place. The gem is healed, turning Centipeedle back into a humanoid with arms and legs. The Gems gasp in surprise.

Pearl: Is it working?

Centipeedle turns around, revealing she is still semi-corrupted, and screeches loudly at the Crystal Gems. She stares at Y/n though as he simply looks back at her aswell with a smile. It was intimidating that he didn't flinch at all. Y/n calmly meets Centipeedle's gaze, unfazed by the intimidating screech. The Gems are on edge, but Y/n's confidence remains steady.

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