Rubbing off on Rubys

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     The fusion was smiling, happy and content even. Spinel monkey barred around their limbs swiftly, entertaining herself as Y/n and Unity watched while chatting.

Y/n: For the last time. I'm fine...

Unity: We are connected, we can tell your troubled

Y/n: Being troubled is natural for humans... pretty much daily

Unity: Mmm. So what's the plan for the day

Y/n: To enjoy it! Steven just does some filler stuff for a month or so. We don't have to intervene at all, Amethyst will learn her lesson herself

Unity: The workaholic rests? About time dear...

Y/n: Yeah, I do want to get a bit better at gem physiology though? Maybe I can get a corrupted gem an-

Unity: Y/n...

Y/n: Right. Sorry

Y/n stood up shaking the garden a little before swinging Spinel around, eventually resting before looking out at the stars.

Y/n: So much to do... and so much to not forget

Y/n says before patting Spinel's head with a claw. She chuckles before looking up at the amalgamation. They used to be so small, barely the size of Garnet. Now-

Y/n: Well let's have a day out, this garden is getting a little stuffy anyway.

Spinel: Are we going to earth?

Y/n: Yep!

So they stand on the warp pad, appearing at the island as Y/n and Unity crouch to avoid detection. Sure the gems are not hostile anymore, but they still have a love/hate relationship

Spinel: Let's go see Malachite!

Y/n: Alright, Peridot and Lapis will be nice to talk too aswell

So they walk over, Y/n taking a couple strides shortly arriving at the needed destination.

Malachite: Oh... sup

Y/n: Sup?

Y/n's bones and flesh compact as they take up a more reasonable size. If they had eyes they would tear up at the action. But he persisted with a slight grunt and sigh

Y/n: I thought we were closer then "Sup"!?

Y/n says before hugging the gem, enjoying their poofy hair as Malachite returns the hug. Spinel hops down as the two break away, chuckling slightly before Y/n knocks on the roof of the barn.

After a few minutes both Lapis and Peridot emerge followed by Steven?

Y/n: Steven? Um, HI!

Lapis: Oh hey Y/n

Peridot: Oh Shard Spider! I was wondering why I detected something entering the atmosphere. I was just showing Steven here, glad it was a false report

Y/n:..... I walked here?

Unity: Ship incoming

Steven: Then that means-


Turning around, everyone spots the crater as a familiar squad of Ruby's emerge. They equip their gem poofing lightsabers

*Y/n pov*

Their not supposed to be here!? Their not supposed to have those!? What are they doing, why is Steven here?

I take a breath before my exoskeleton teeth clench tight. I approach the Ruby's getting on a knees to see them better. Luckily it was the same group of dum-

Unity: Y/n....

Extremely intelligent Ruby's

Eyeball: You, big thing. Where is the human diamond!?

Y/n: Your looking at them, this is what I actually look like.

I hear a bunch of confusion in the shards and behind me. I shake my head, putting a mental note to ask them why later.

Doc: I knew he wasn't a normal human! But no, we just had to tell Yellow that a normal human was scary.

Y/n:...... um

Leggy: What he was scary and a normal human!

Army: We're GEMS! Rubys! We are the best gem out there besides the Diamonds and we had to tell them we got scared of a human!?

Eyeball: Well atleast we can save face after this whole thing.

Doc: Can we please just capture them and go back home now?

Navy: Awwww I wanted to explore a bit more.

Eyeball: We don't have time newbie!

Army: We actually do have some time to spare-

The Ruby's kept arguing as I felt my uneasiness begin to slip away. I honestly forgot how hilarious Ruby's were! I couldn't help but a little puff of air to shoot out my mouth.

Spinel: Y/n... what do they want?

I look over to my shoulder, just now noticing Spinel before I let out a chuckle.

Y/n: They want me, apparently someone mentioned I was a diamond. When I'm not....

Spinel: Oh......... sorry

Unity: It's alright.

I clap my hands as it gets their attention before they stare up at me.

Y/n: What do you want from me?

Doc: We take you to the diamond call on the moon, she believes you exist. Then I guess you come back here?

Y/n: Sure

Spinel: Y/n! The Diamonds are-

Y/n: Spinel, how are they even going to get me in the ship.

Doc: He has a point.

The Ruby's begin to chat away trying to come up with a plan. Spinel and me humor them as we try ourselves whatever idea they come up with. The others just watch on as we "play" with the Ruby's.

Unity: We could just jump up there.

Spinel: WAh?

Y/n: Unity!?

Unity: What!?

Doc: Then why didn't you say so sooner!

Doc says strangely cheerfully as the shards glint confused.

Y/n: I was just playing with them, I don't actually want to see the DIAMONDS!

Unity: Oh....

*3rd pov*

Lapis: Their idiots

Peridot: They're*

Malachite: Both of you hush and just watch the fireworks

Malachite says chuckling a bit as the Ruby's smack Y/n in frustration.

Steven: I'm going to go tell the gems

Lapis: Yeah. I think we'll need them...

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