Hit the Diamond

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     Y/n woke up, feeling a deep disturbance in the air around himself. Amethyst stared at him, unsure of what to do while hesitantly pulling out her whip

Amethyst: You good Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah.... yeah I'm fine. Where's Unity?

*With Unity*

Unity: WHY... WOULD... YOU... DO... THAT...

Spinel: You know your less intimidating when you can't speak fluently?

Unity: DON'T... SAS... ME... YOUNG... LADY... WE... ARE... MOSTLY... OLDER... THAN... YOU!?

Unity struggled to speak due to having to vote for every word. The shards fluctuated rapidly as she stared at the three. Steven, Spinel, and Malachite.

Lapis got along with Peridot fine without Spinel or Malachite's help. Yes this sped up the process a bit, but it didn't excuse their reckless behavior!

Just then a massive explosion happens in the middle of the field. Peridot hides inside the barn as the three looked at the pod confused. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst all show up aswell. However they quickly duck into the barn as Y/n gets dragged by Garnet inside aswell.

Malachite: What the-

Unity: Spinel... inside... now!

Spinel and the shards duck inside the barn as Malachite looks at the group confused. The pod soon opens as multiple Ruby's step out


Malachite: Um... a traumatic victim of my parents fighting?

Ruby: That is... a very long name!

The Rubys walk past Malachite as she looks at them all confused. Meanwhile inside the barn, Y/n was smiling with glee to the confusion of everyone. They simply shrug it off as they come up with a plan

Garnet separates and after a brief greeting. Ruby goes to join the other Rubys. Sapphire decides to confront Y/n about his happiness

Sapphire: Y/n... what is happening.

Y/n: Oh shush and enjoy this. This is going to be very fun! For me and hopefully Spinel and the rest of you guys!

Ruby soon returned, she seemed stressed as Unity wrapped around Y/n.

Ruby: They want to search the barn!

Steven: We heard

Pearl: We saw

Peridot: I'm good as gone. I might aswell shatter now and join that cluster

Y/n: Hey! I have you know, you wish you could be apart of us!

Amethyst: Let's AMBUSH THEM!

Amethyst says pulling out a bat.

Sapphire: No, no one needs to get hurt. Let's be sensible. Just go out there and tell them this is where humans live.

Ruby: I don't want to go alone.

Steven: I'll come! I'll be your backup!

Spinel: And I'll come aswell!

Y/n's visibly flinched before sitting up. Before he could reject her claim they left, Y/n beginning to get nervous. Now this might get a bit more hectic now that Spinel is joining in the game.

Y/n: I should have expected this

Sapphire: Y/n.

Unity: It... will... be... fine...

Y/n: Yeah, Ruby's are a little...

Unity (Rubys): We dare you to finish that Y/N!

Y/n: Great and smart! Great and smart!

Sapphire looks at the couple strangely. Then she had a realization, a very very very funny realization.

Sapphire: They're a couple!

Soon the others return, all saying that they had to play Baseball. Y/n let out a sigh of relief before getting pulled outside by Spinel. He was presented infront of the Rubys like a trophy as Spinel grins

Spinel: This is my diamond!

Y/n: HUH!

*Moments before*

Ruby: Hey look a Spinel!

Spinel: No I'm a human!

Ruby: Your obviously a Spinel! We can see your gem! Why are you here? Who's your entertainy!

Steven: Um... a Diamond! Like Yellow, Pink, Blue, White! Very important and doesn't want to see you guys right now

Ruby (Garnet): That won't work!

Ruby: Let us see this diamond

The Ruby says confidently as she steps her foot on the ground. She knew their were only four diamonds. Anymore is a simple lie that will be caught out.


Ruby: That's not a diamond! Capture that spinel immediately!

The Rubys pull out what seems to be chisels as they walk towards Spinel. The closest one attempts to swing but her hand gets grabbed by Y/n.

Ruby: Watch it hum-

The Ruby goes silent as she looks at Y/n. He was looking down on her like she was nothing. Nothing but a inconvenience that can be moved away and forgotten about. It was like, if she continued she would be shattered or worse. Simply another grain of sand on this planets soil.

Ruby: S-sorry diamond!

Y/n: No, I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.

Y/n let's go before going back into the barn. The gems stared at him as he layed down on a mass of hay

Sapphire: Y/n. Explain

Y/n: After a nice game of Baseball!

The Baseball game happened as the game slowly became worse and worse. This was due to Ruby constantly flirting with Sapphire and Sapphire doing the same to Ruby. Yeah it sucked they were losing but...

Y/n: That's adorable. Plus Bob's debut!

Y/n gestures over to Lapis as Peridot looks at him confused.

Peridot: But I'll be found out if they search the barn

Y/n: Peridot, your in no danger at all! The only reason I didn't tell you was because of how much fun Steven and the gems are having.

Y/n says as he looks at Spinel laugh while Lapis gives a small smirk at the game.

Peridot: I'm in no danger?

Y/n: Not even a little.

Just then Sapphire managed to hit a homerun. Coming in clutch as she jump tackles Ruby in glee. This form Garnet who lays on the ground laughing from the joy she felt

Y/n: So wholesome.

The game ends as the small Rubys realise their betrayal and form. They become a massive Ruby as Y/n steps out of the barn and approaches them

Mega Ruby: Huma- I-I mean Diamond!

Y/n: Jasper is on Neptune! Have fun and be safe on the trip!

Steven: What?

Mega Ruby: O-oh. Well then

The Rubys unfuse before climbing into their ship and leaving. A normal day with no combat was actually kind of nice.

Garnet: Let me guess. Another "something we shouldn't know about?"

Y/n: Yep! Let's hope the Diamond thing isn't a problem. Speaking of which... SPINEL!


Steven: Oh boy...

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