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     Unity was pacing, a intimidating sight for the gems staring at the diamond sized cluster.

Unity: How... how did... this happen

Garnet: He went to walk to the warp pad alone. That is the last time any of us saw him.

Unity: Y/n...... Spinel must not know about this. Until then we need something to get our mind off him. A distraction

Steven: What!? Shouldn't you be searching for him

Unity: We have no leads. It could be Jasper or a random creature, for all we know he is relaxing in a tree

The Gems tap their foot at their response. Unity was beyond pissed and it was obvious because of the constant fluctuation of the shards.

Steven: Well you could go fishing with Lapis and my dad! I'm sure he'll show up by then.

Unity: Very well...

*Y/n pov*

My arm was still burning and my panting and sweating only got worse. My face had reddened, I think I was coming down with a sickness.

The only thing that was slightly soothing my current situation was the shard I held in my mouth.

Y/n: The door is closed tight by metal, not to mention the wild corrupted gems.

I open my mouth as a plume of steam escapes, if I didn't get some fresh air soon I feel like I would either die or do something stupid

As my desperation grew, I couldn't help but notice the shard in my mouth felt strangely comforting, its smooth surface and faint glow providing a small sense of reassurance in the midst of my struggle. Yet, as time passed and the air grew thicker with tension, I found myself absentmindedly fiddling with the shard, turning it over in my mouth.


Y/n: Ugh.

Jasper barged inside my cell, her face radiated one of confidence. She absent mindedly picked me up by my throat, throwing me out of the cell. Forcing me to bite down on the shard as I landed on my broken arm

I didn't get to stand up as I'm picked up again by the back of my neck. She simply walked ignoring my grunts of discomfort.

Y/n: Where are you taking me?

Jasper: Zip it.

I growl reaching up to my mouth as I firmly grab the shard in my mouth.

Y/n: P-Please let me g-go! Please I don't want to die!

Jasper: I SAID SHUT I-

I swing my arm fast stabbing hard into the gems body as I fall. With a grin I run as fast as I can, making sure I hold onto the shard

Jasper: YOU LITTLE RUNT!!!!!

Jasper's enraged shouts echoed through the corridor as I darted away, clutching the shard tightly in my hand. My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline fueling my desperate flight. Every step sent a jolt of pain through my broken arm, but the fear of capture pushed me forward.

As we raced through the dimly lit passages, my mind raced with thoughts of escape. I couldn't afford to be caught again, not after what Jasper had done to me before. Gripping the shard even tighter, I prayed for some stroke of luck to guide me to safety.

Suddenly, I spotted a faint glimmer of light up ahead. With renewed determination, I quickened my pace, my hope rising with each step.


A hard hit on my back knocked me to the ground. Pressure stayed on it as I cried out in pain.

Jasper: You thought a weak human like you could escape ME!? HAH!

she flipped me over as she yanked the shard from my hand, cutting it in the process.

Jasper: I will admit your tricks are great.

Her grip tightened around the shard. My face turning into one of rage as I try to get up.


Jasper: But their just tricks

The shard gets stabbed deep into my shoulder. Despite the pain, I was happy the shard didn't get damaged. With a rush of adrenaline I fling Jasper away, my arm growing plates as my hand slowly becomes sharper.

I kick up, rushing to the warp pad, landing with a thud as Jasper runs at me.

Jasper: YOU RUNT!!!

The light takes me up as I whisper thanks to myself. I appear in the house as I stumble forward. My mind was blank as I walk out of the house and sit on the beach. My arm was that of the spiders now, and I could only stare at the sunset.

My eyes were fading to black, my heart slowing down to a steady rhythm as I hear steps. I look over and see Steven and Greg and Unity, they were all running towards me. I couldn't help but smile with a wave, before it all went black.


On a side note, I want to do some art of Unity but don't know what they necessarily look like? I have a basis but not a exact idea

Tell me what you guys think a good look for Unity would be

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