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*Y/n pov*

I woke up, my head was agitated as I rubbed my head, a red weight covered my hand. I let out a slight growl of annoyance as I look around. I was in a cave of sorts, metal scraps blocking the entrance

Y/n: Ugh, my head.

Jasper: Your awake. About time you weakling

It was Jasper, she came into the opening her face furrowed in seriousness, a look only soldiers would have. It all came back to me as I remember last night. She crashed my head with her helmet

Y/n: This isn't supposed to happen yet. Why is she here?

I stand up as she walks inside the cell, easily bending the metal out of the way. She approaches me as I look up, she looks down before we share a glare

Y/n: What do you want Jasper.

Jasper: I wa-

Y/n: Besides fusion you psychopath.

Jasper goes silent, a look of rage crossing her face before she let's out a breath. The hot steam brushing my face as I cross my arms

Jasper: Why not.

Y/n: I can't fuse with gems, only shards. And even then it's hard to do

Jasper: You underestimate your abilities. I've seen what you can do with those shards. You have potential, Y/n. And I need that power.

Y/n: What's in it for me?

Jasper: Power, strength, a purpose. Together, we can achieve greatness.

Y/n: And if I refuse?

Jasper: Then you'll remain trapped in this cave, alone and forgotten. As my prisoner until your better half fuses with me.

Y/n: Well I have to refuse. I'm sorry but I can't fuse with you.

Rage crossed her face again as she rears her hand back. My face stings as I skid across the ground. I was bruised and I feel my wounds open up.

Jasper: Well the hard way it is then.

I look up as her grin widens. I feel myself get lifted off the ground, my throat hurting as her fist closes around it.

Y/n: S-stop!

Jasper: Your nothing but a weak useless human. Without fusion your nothing! Nothing but a fragile human! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED FOR BEING SO WEAK!!!

Y/n: S-so should you. You couldn't e-even save one person. Your p-precious prick pink d-diamond


She squeezes harder, I feel my arm get grabbed hard, the bones cracking and shattering. I let out squeaks of pain before I fall, my back landing harshly against a wall

I grab my arms as tears break out of my eyes. She approaches the entrance closing the metal back

Y/n: She's not wrong. I am useless right now..... heh

I lean against the cold stone, finding some comfort on my flaming injury. My breath was shaky, my heart was pounding. My only comfort, was the hot object I've been storing in my mouth for awhile now.

I spit it out in my one free hand, it was the shard I used to do surgery on Centipeedle. I smiled a bit as I held it close to my chest, my face heating up as I pant a bit.

Y/n: I'm so happy your still with me~ I can never be scared or intimidated as long as I have even a sliver of you with me...

My grip grew tighter as a grin formed across my face.

Y/n: Unity, I don't know what it is. But being separated from you, knowing I can't get to you. It makes me miss you that much more...

That's when it hit me as I continued to hold the warm gem. Was this a side effect of long term fusion? Sapphire and Ruby suffered from it, was it happening to me aswell. No I'm a human, what other reason could it be then?

Y/n: Whatever... I'm just glad to have you close.

I curl around the gem as I close my eyes, focusing on the shard as my heartbeat slowed. I could sleep for awhile, atleast until Jasper comes back from whatever she does.

*With the gems*


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