On their own

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Spinel stared at the boy nervously as Steven stared back at her the same.

Steven: Wait... Your that gem who is with the Shard spider!

Spinel: The what?

Steven: The Shard spider! You know. has a bunch of shards attached to themself? Looks like a spider

Spinel's mind immediately thought back to Y/n as she curls up more hugging the pillow

Spinel: Oh. Yeah. I don't want to see them right now

Steven: Well.... Why don't you want to see them?

Spinel: They... Lied but also told the truth? I'm just so mad at them! But I am happy with them aswell!?

Spinel groans in frustration as she spreads out on the couch. But almost immediately the Temple door begins to open as Amethyst and Garnet step out.

Amethyst: Hey! It's you!

Spinel: Oh f-

She doesn't get to finish as Amethyst trys to whip her but Spinel easily maneuvers out of the way before she sprints out the door

Steven: Hey wai-

Garnet: Steven stay here.

They then quickly run out of the house after Spinel.

*Y/n\Unity Pov*

We were on the edge as we warp into the kindergarten that was the closest to the gem's base

Y/n: We need to go faster! If any of them figure out Pearl's lie right now everything will be ruined!!!

Unity: This will hurt. But we will try to modify our form in order to become stronger.

Y/n: What does that me-  AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The feeling of my bones snapping and creaking into different shapes. The tearing and extending of my muscles as they get rearranged.




It all hurt the only thing keeping me conscious was the fact that the shards kept me that way. I wanted to die.

And then with the final snap. I was left panting and groaning in pain.

Unity: Its ok. You can rest now. When you wake up Spinel will be with us.


The new body of the amalgamation slumpt over for a moment before it rises back up. Going at a newfound speed towards the gems

*With the gems*

Garnet swings at Spinel but she bends around the strike easily.

Spinel: Hey friend why are you attacking me!

Garnet only growls in frustration as Amethyst also trys to strike Spinel with her whip. Spinel grabs the end of the whip and the middle before she begins to play jump-rope with the weapon.

Amethyst: Hey give that back!

Amethyst yanks on the whip as Spinel lets go of it causing her to fall over.

Spinel: I Just came here to get away from a fight and now Im already in one!

Spinel stomps on the ground as she physically blows steam from her ears Spinel.

Garnet: She is to nimble. We need to come up with a plan!

Amethyst: Ok wha-

Spinel runs away as they continue to chase her

Spinel: Please just stop trying to poof me!

As they run. Spinel looks behind herself to see the gems have stopped chasing her and are instead looking slightly up at somethi-


*3rd pov*

Spinel ran face first into what looks to be a smooth black pole of some sorts but as she recovers herself she looks up

Spinel: Y/n?

Unity: Not quite but close~

Spinel gets behind Unity as they lift their front legs up and spread out all of their arms ready to slash or stab anything that comes close.

Spinel gets behind Unity as they lift their front legs up and spread out all of their arms ready to slash or stab anything that comes close

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Unity: Wait I have a idea

Unity carefully sets down on all of their legs before crouching down a little

Amethyst: Come on payback time!

As Amethyst runs forward Uniyu quickly uses all of their arms to stab into the ground before flicking large amounts of sand at the 2 effectively making a small smokescreen for them to grab Spinel and run

Unity: When we get back to the Garden I swear!

Spinel: S-sorry

Unity: No need to apologize you need space I.... We get that. Just your not allowed here.

Yay I finally updated this story. Sorry it took me awhile to think of how to write this chapter.

Also new Y/n design which I actually like!

Still having trouble with the legs and arms though.

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