The Tower

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A hole appears in the tower, perfect size for me. I look at the entrance, before I look around.

This crater, can It even be called that. It was spotless, not even a pebble was in the crater. It was perfectly smoothed out

Unity: Have you seen something like this before?

Y/n: In the show... no, this is completely new. Follow, and be careful. Your not supposed to die

Pearl: What's that supposed to mean!

I ignore her before entering the construct.

Y/n: Holy... shit

The inside of the building was a blinding white. And what lined the walls, hundreds of pure white diamonds lined up one after another. White liquid of some sort being sucked into the center of the tower.

Pearl: The-These are all D-Diamonds!

*3rd Pov*

The center of the tower was a ball. A pure white liquid ball of the same stuff being sucked from the Diamonds

Y/n was glitching out, their body mixing and distorting from the pure shock. Their were only supposed to be four diamonds! In this room there were easily over 100!!!

Pearl was speechless as Y/n pulled themselves together. It took awhile and the hivemind just decided to ignore the fact that these were all diamonds

Unity: Answers we need answers

Y/n: Alright... alright let's solve all this.

As the massive spider looks around he sees a monitor made of light. Coming into contact it seems to rewind all the way to the beginning. Playing a voice recording, the voice was mighty but cocky aswell... who is this

?: Log-1 I managed to find a place to seclude myself from my subjects. I managed to make it perfect for myself, my own little home away from Homeworld heh


Log-2 I want to surpass my brother's. Those.... THOSE JERKS! I'M AS MUCH OF A GOD AS THEY ARE!!! Heh. I'm going to surpass them, I just need to think. How can I use my powers to do so


Log-3 I think I found a way to surpass them. My powers allow me to make anything from light itself, but I can also absorb light to strengthen myself. My subjects started as little gems and after a incident with Purple diamond. I discovered I absorbed a lot more light then what was used to create her.

More test required.


Log-4 how foolish of me to think it was enough. I picked a fight with the next up Tyrant, he left me on the verge of death. I need more power, I NEED MORE!!!!!


Log-5 I gave my four brightest subjects a gift. The intelligence to make their own gems, once they plant the seeds. I will gladly come in with the scythe to harvest. They were made to serve me, it's the least they can do to make sure I'm happy. What else are they worth?

Oh Tyrant, after this harvest. I might even be able to stand up to Genesis.

End logs for awhile, I'll come back to harvest this small ball of power later. They can suffer for a few more million years right?

Matriarch out


It cuts off there as Y/n stands there in shock. That voice was the voice of someone who made the Diamonds.

Y/n: Pearl. Whatever you heard today, forget it. Don't tell the others.

Pearl: W-why! They need to know about this

Y/n: Like how they need to know about Pink? Just shut up about this secret aswell or else... everything could fall apart

I know this was messed up but I put her hands in the same way Pink did. Confirming her silence for a little awhile

Looking around I find a warp pad. It seemed to be in good condition luckily

I guide pearl towards it before showing her onto it. She warps away still holding her mouth and I twitch in guilt.

Unity: What do we do about the diamonds?


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