A Chess Match

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     Fear was a thing I never felt while in the show. However now that I am experiencing it I feel terrified.

The Gems took me to the beach house and I was sitted at the couch. They spoke to me in soft tones and some happy voices but something was off. However something I noticed but they didn't was that I wasn't operating by their rules.

The show's rules I mean.

They moved animated with their reactions. However they seemed so lifelike aswell?

While they were analyzing me I analyzed them. They kept speaking to me yet I didn't pay attention. Until I noticed her

Y/n: Pearl.

Pearl: Which is why when we found you you wer- huh?

Y/n: Can we play some chess

She seemed puzzled before looking to the others who shrugged. She put on a fake smile of glee before she opened up a cabinet and pulled out a chess board. We both set up the pieces as we took a seat.

Y/n: Timed or until we checkmate?

Pearl: Checkmate will be fine.

We began to play as I waited for everything to fall into place. My goal wasn't to win at all, just to survive long enough for Pearl to lose it

Y/n: I feel them staring at me.

I thought back to Garnet and Amethyst. Garnet was fine with relaxing and keeping a eye on me, Amethyst however is a lot more impatient

She started with the simple tapping of her foot.

Then she started to chew on some gum and pop it.

Then she made paper airplanes and flew them around the room.

Slowly but surely I saw Pearl losing it as a tick mark appeared on her head.

Y/n: Do you want to move this somewhere more private? You seem distracted.

Pearl: What a wonderful idea!

She picked up the chess board quickly as I made my posture as nervous as possible before I followed her into her room. If Garnet caught on that I was going to question Pearl she would use future vision and ruin everything.

Pearl: This is my room! Careful where you step, we don't want you plummeting down do we?

Y/n: No I suppose we don't

Crap did that not sound suprised enough? Pearl seemed confused about my response before she shook it off thankfully. She quickly set up the chess table before I sat on the waterfall. Somehow not getting wet as we played a new game

This time I played correctly as we began to compete

Y/n: Pearl, are you alright?

Pearl: Hm? What do you mean

Y/n: Well, considering what Rose did to you. Or do I call her Pink?

She stopped moving pieces as her hand drifted towards her mouth. With haste I quickly grab her arms and put them down

Y/n: You guys are wary of me. However, all I want to do is help you guys?

Pearl goes quiet as she stares at me. I looked her in the eyes as we seemingly both got the idea that we knew far more then we let on. However that also provided some comfort for the both of us, we both had info the other one wanted.

Pearl:  I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know anything about Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz.

Y/n: Come on, Pearl. I know you're keeping something from me. And I can help you if you just trust me.

I let out a sigh before I set the chess board aside. Her focus broken and forcing her to look at me

Pearl: Fine, you were a monster that beat us a lot. Now your human without your power or memories so we are having some trouble figuring out what to do with you.











Y/n: Well. How do you feel about it

Pearl: Huh?

*3rd pov*

Pearl was in shock. She just told this random person he used to be a monster that beat them up. Yet here he is asking how she feels about the situation

What was she supposed to say

How did she feel about this whole thing. She didn't like it, yet she wasn't against this weak human, he seemed quite nice actually

Pearl: I... don't know?

Y/n: Well. Want to talk about it?

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