Buried on a Beach

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     The Gems quickly all form together as I stare at the dommy mommy godzilla lady.

Alexandrite: Surrender

Y/n: How would that even work? You kill me like your going to do if I don't surrender?

Alexandrite: RAH!

She charges me as I feel my blades slide against the ground. I slice down forcing her to grab my wrists as we enter into a stalemate


Alexandrite responds by bellowing a torrent of flame into my face. I feel my head heat up before my wrists get crushed in her grasp

Y/n|Unity: GAH!

Unity: Don't hurt him you clods!

We bite down on Alexandrite arm before ripping it off as we back up. We  chomp down as the arm poofs and dissipates

Y/n: My hands... Unity.

Unity: I know, it hurts

*3rd pov*

Unity and Y/n, they back away from Alexandrite as she cracks her knuckles. Alexandrite begins to approach Y/n, She falls however as Unity looks at her in confusion

Alexandrite: WHAT!?

Spinel: LEAVE Y/N ALONE!!!

Unity: Spinel!

Spinel quickly began to tie Alexandrite up as she struggled to break free. Roaring Y/n stomps on Alexandrite's back, he quickly gets thrown off however as Alexandrite stands up. Ripping Spinel off her as she yells in a flaming display

Alexandrite: ENOUGH OF THIS!

Alexandrite throws Spinel as Y/n quickly catches her in a hug.

Spinel: Y/n are you alright.

Y/n: I'm fine, are you-

Spinel: I can still fight.

She says seriously before she swings up to Y/n's shoulder. Roughing up her hair as she seems to growl at the fusion.

Y/n: I just wanted to help them

Unity: I know, I know, just hold on. We will get out of this, we always do

Alexandrite rushes Y/n as he quickly holds up his arms to block. She releases punch after punch as Y/n's exoskeleton cracks. Revealing the several shards coating his muscle and flesh


Spinel Punches Alexandrite in the glasses causing them to crack. She then gets grabbed before being sling shotted away. Alexandrite then forms Suglites flail as she slams it over Y/n's head past his guard

Alexandrite: Don't make this difficult.

Cracks form across Y/n's head before he stumbles up. Their form glitching and distorting before recovering.

Y/n: Don't hurt SPINEL!

Alexandrite: I'm sorry for this

Y/n swings a arm at Alexandrite as she easily grabs it. She plants a foot on Y/n's main cluster before pulling back with a kick.

Spinel: Y/N!

Unity: No.

Blood splatters onto the sand below as Y/n's left side feels lighter. Looking back at it he sees a fountain of blood pouring out his shoulder joint. Then it all hit at once, thousands of voices all shouted out in pain through one funnel

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