Fate Weaving

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It was beautiful at the bottom of the ocean. The light jade glow that everything seemed to have, now Y/n simply stared at chained up Malachite. Spinel sitting on his shoulder as his four bladed limbs rested to his sides.

Y/n: Malachite, it's time to wake up.

His voice triggered the gem as they bust out of the chains. Looking at their hands in a insane marvel as the earth shakes

Y/n: I suppose now it's time for this episode.

Unity: The cluster could be a good source of power.

Y/n: One issue at a time. Spinel, I want to handle this

Spinel: Ok!

Just then Jasper took full control over the fusion as she stares at the Spider in familiarity. She knew he was simply a abomination that needed to be took down for her diamonds

Malachite: I've been looking forward to finally wielding this POWER!

She jets her hands forward intending to crush Y/n with the pressure of the ocean. However she stares at him confused as they don't even budge

Y/n: Yeah, we have been looking forward to it aswell

Malachite: What?

*On watermelon Island*

Alexandrite arrived, intending to stop Malachite and possibly Spinel from causing havoc all across earth. However as they arrive on the beach

(0:10 to 0:30)

A green blur flys past them from the explosion. Crashing into the island's mountain in a daze. After the dust clears it reveals to be-

Alexandrite: MALACHITE!?

Alexandrite says in shock before she turns back to the ocean. A familiar figure walking out looking quite pissed off despite the joyful gem on their shoulder.

They sharpened their blades as they walked forward. The each scrape leaving a sense of dread in the fusions body.

Y/n: The combined force of a thousand plus shards. Amazing, is it not?

Unity: Care for a rematch?

Alexandrite doesn't respond and instead charges at Y/n. As they do so, Y/n pulls back his limbs. Each crack one after another building tension. Until finally


The limbs snap closed just as Alexandrite reeled back her fists. Trees get decimated from the force, the ones at the front sliced clean in half.


Unity: That felt good

Y/n: Every single one of you agreed on that? Weren't some of you allies with them!?

Unity: Eh, we've grown

Y/n approaches the dazed Malachite. Analyzing their gem, a look of concentration on their "face"

Y/n: I want to try something...

Unity: What your thinking of is dangerous!

Y/n: Would it work?

Unity: Theoretically-

Y/n: Spinel, remember the strains you saw earlier. Make sure they stay in place

Spinel hops off Y/n's shoulder, confused as to what he meant. Until finally Y/n uses one of his blades to carefully cut a line between Jasper's gem and Lapis's gem on her side


Y/n: The more you struggle, the higher chance I will accidentally mess something up. So please sit still!

The damage to Malachite was teetering between just enough for her to poof. The cut was glowing white, like normal in the show when the gems take damage.

Y/n: Time to venture into gem biology.

Y/n opened the wound as Spinel and Y/n stare in awe. Thousands of strains and strings dotted around, all wrapping and coiling to form the body.

Malachite was freaking out, she knew she had to sit still despite the urge to beat the crap out of the fusion infront of them. The spider analyzed the strings carefully grabbing and moving them

Y/n: Their has to be something that is the main brain. This isn't all just a jumbled mess, if the gem's the power source then I just need to search there.

Moving around inside Spinel held the strains still and organized as Y/n sifted through them all. Until she finally saw something that intrigued them. A singular large branch with several coming out of it.

Unity: This is very dangerous Y/n.

Y/n: I won't sit by and do nothing. While one of my friends die!?

Y/n traced the large string all the way to the back. Where another large string was going all the way to it aswell. Meeting in the center only to create a large white ball. A beautiful shine glowing and flowing from these main strings

Y/n: Bingo, the two main strings fusing together and making core hub for this fusion's body

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Y/n: Bingo, the two main strings fusing together and making core hub for this fusion's body. Spinel hold this open

Spinel does so as Y/n reaches inside with the help of Unity, Y/n cuts the main strings from the core. Malachite immediately poofs apart as the strings jet back to their gems. Spinel swings back onto Y/n's shoulder watching as he brings the core to his shard cluster

Y/n: Hello Malachite, I'm glad I could save you hopefully I didn't just invent cancer for gems.

Unity: What's going to happen?

Y/n: Hopefully, Malachite will form from this. However due to no more power source. If she poofs

Unity: That's it...

Y/n: We will enter the mantle of earth later, for now. We will look over Malachite until she forms again

*Timeskip pov change*

I was in darkness, yet it wasn't horrible. It was quiet now atleast, that and I won't have to worry about the consequences of my actions.

That was until my world was immediately filled with light. I saw him, that bug that visited me and told me so many stories.

Malachite: I'm dreaming?

Y/n: Um... no, your you again!

Malachite: Huh?

Suddenly a familiar pink gem falls infront of my eyes as I look at her in shock.


Malachite: Um... what, WHO YOU CALLING CRAZY RUNT!!!

Y/n|Unity: Oh this is going to be fun!

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