The Need for Conflict

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     Y/n stressed as they walked back and forth. The Ruby's were urging him to go to the moon and granted he wanted too. But the fact was, the whole series could go out of wack if he did.

Y/n: I could just poof them

Unity: That or shatter them

Y/n: Wait, what if we comply. Go to the moon and simply destroy the message-



I'm a idiot

Unity: What?

Y/n: The messager isn't even on the moon anymore. It exploded here on earth

Y/n looked at the Rubys

Y/n: Sorry but I can't go due to earth. I have to stay here for 2 weeks, so come back then ok!

Army: Then we'll have to take you by force!


Unity: Ok, I think that's enough

Unity picked up the Rubys before tossing them in the ship. She then picked up the ship, spinning before tossing it away as a star gleams in the distance.

Spinel: Awww. I liked them

Y/n: They'll be back

Y/n gave a little wave to the barn group before going into the woods nearby. Going to the warp pad they warp to a snowy area as they sit down. Breathing heavily as the cold air covers their body

Unity: Why did we leave so suddenly?

Y/n: Eh, I want to see her reaction

Y/n then gestures to Spinel who quickly begins to build in the snow.

Unity: liar, we are one and the same right now. Be honest with me

Y/n begins to shake not a shiver but genuine shaking as the shards flicker

Y/n: I'm losing it. Forgetting episode times and now events happening way before they need too. This is.. just.....

Multitudes of voices cloud his mind as he grabs his shoulders. Time seems to slow as they sit still, snow melting on the body as Spinel plays, none the wiser

Y/n: Am I rushing things? I feel like I am, the episodes are flying by and ones that don't seem important I just sit in the garden for...

The snowstorm picks up as his body's arms are forced out infront of him.

Y/n: I wanted every episode to happen as it did and just change some stuff for Steven. Make a better ending for everyone.... but, I'm not content with that anymore

The shards quickly pick up what Y/n's saying as they shine and glimmer. Y/n has grown bored, that boredom has turned into stress and anger. Humans need 4 things in order to survive.




And one of which that Unity has just now realised. Problems

Humans need problems to solve and the fact is. Ever since the gems and Y/n have gotten somewhat along, their haven't been issues. Heck, when their were problems Y/n would try to up the ante or make it bigger then what it was.

Unity: Even when the Ruby's came it wasn't a issue. Is that why he wanted to go to the moon, to create a conflict for himself?

Y/n:...... I guess that makes me selfish

Unity:........ You, don't need conflict to be useful, or happy

Guilt clouded Y/n's mind, the thought of only playing with Spinel because he's bored. Or she's just another puzzle piece. It hurt him to even think that he was doing that.

Y/n: Then tell me how... I've only been useful by solving conflicts or problems. I...... just want to be needed, important

Unity: Yet your not.... are you?

Y/n only nodded in response his arms falling flat to his sides. He didn't know how to be useful right now. Heck this whole season can happen without him, and this upset him greatly

Unity: Being useful and important doesn't always mean solving conflicts or problems. Sometimes, it's about being there for others, supporting them, and simply being yourself. You have intrinsic value beyond your ability to fix things. You're important just as you are.

Y/n: But what if I'm not enough? What if I'm just... insignificant?

Unity: You're not insignificant. Your presence alone can bring joy, comfort, and companionship to others. And that's valuable in itself. You don't have to constantly seek out conflicts to feel important. Just being present and genuine is enough.

Y/n: I... I'll try to remember that. It's just hard sometimes, you know?

Unity: I understand. It's okay to feel lost or unsure. But remember, you're not alone. We're here for each other, no matter what.

Y/n: Thank you, Unity. I needed to hear that.

Unity: Anytime. Let's take things one step at a time, together.

Y/n nodded, feeling a bit lighter as they sat in the snowy landscape, watching Spinel play.

Y/n: Alright, I'll try to have some fun then...

Unity: Oh? What do you have in mind

Y/n only laughed before walking deeper into the snowy woods. His permanent grin being somewhat genuine now.

(OOF bet you didn't expect that did ya, this was eluded for awhile now. It was only a matter of time before a mental break happened.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun this chapter touching on subjects that might be sensitive

Would you guys like more sensitive chapters like this? They could be wholesome or not...

Oh well, see ya)

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