First impressions

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     I woke up as I collect myself and stand up I see Spinel wake up aswell and look at me in shock before calming down

Y/n: Good morning

?: Good morning

Y/n: What are we doing today?

?: We need to get more shards

Y/n: Alright but how many do we have right now?

?: 7 Amethyst shards, 3 Emerald shards, 3 Peridot shards, 1 Pearl shard, 1 Sapphire shard, and 1 Ruby shard.

I realise that the Sapphire was probably the reason why we could tell when Garnet was using her future vision on us

Spinel: I can tell your thinking of going somewhere! Can you take me with you please!!!

Y/n: Will she be okay at the Kindergarten?

?: Yes the shards should be focused on us more then her

I let out a chuckle as I pick up Spinel before putting her on my back as we step onto the warp pad. We shortly arrive at the Kindergarten and step off the warp pad as Spinel runs forward

Spinel: Ooh I've heard of this place......Pink told me about it?

Spinel looks around at the dead canyon and all the deformed holes as she backs up to me as I wrap an arm around her

?: It would be best if we found some Bismuth shards

Y/n: Why?

?: We need humanly needs but the only way we can get them is by warping directly in the middle of the threats base. Bismuths know how to make warp pads so we can make a safe warp location to survive

Y/n: Alright lets look for some!

We start to move through the kindergarten. Every now and then we would let out a call to see if shards would come until eventually one did. It was a 5 shard amalgamation as I feel Spinel wrap her arms around me several times

Spinel: W-WHAT IS THAT!?

She looks at me for an answer as I come up with one and point at the gem cluster on my stomach

Spinel: Wait your related to that thing???

I nod my head as I head to the monster

Y/n: We are stable and think it would help us both if you joined us?

It glows a bit before it poofs as its gems fly to mine as I feel them appear inside me as we grow some more before heading back to Spinel

Spinel: Oh so thats how you got bigger!

?: Thank you for helping us we were 3 Bismuth shards, 1 Sapphire shard, and 1 Peridot shard

Y/n: seems like you guys have already fitted right in! Do we now know how to make a warp pad?

?: Yes we do unless you want to help some more shards we can.............Oh no the Gems are here!

I jump at the sudden news as I look at Spinel before picking her up and sitting her on my back as we climb into a nearby hole off the ground as we wait

Spinel: Y/n whats wrong?

Y/n: "Threats"

She sees the message I put into the ground as she goes silent before nodding as we peer out of the hole

?: It seems they are chasing a Peridot now

Y/n: Is the boy with them?

?: Yes

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