Shard Our Souls

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     I was being guarded like a president. The gems didn't let me out of their sight, I was getting worried. Extremely worried for Steven

Y/n: Where is he?

Pearl: He and Connie had to get something from the hospital. They didn't say what though


What was that? Ugh, they shouldn't be going to the hospital. Unless.... no is that episode happening now!?

Y/n: Garnet, we need to go there now!

Garnet looked at me, a glint going across her glasses before she picks me up.

Garnet: Alright he's right. Steven is in trouble and we need to go there now.

You however...


I was put in the gem room. They left as soon as I was put here, I could only pace about. Thinking of a way to get out of here, why couldn't they just trust me!

I looked around the room, it was silent as a mouse. Nothing but the bubbling lava filling the room. It was getting hot, really hot.

In a desperate attempt I took off my shirt as I looked toward my torso.

Y/n: Oh god.

Marks, it looked like someone just slapped my stomach willy nilly with a red hot rod. It wasn't just my stomach, it was my entire torso!

Y/n: Did that monster do this to me?

I shut my eye as something shined in it. Looking around I notice a small red shard, it looked like a ruby. However it was only as small as a thorn, you could barely tell what it was.

Y/n: Yet I did so easily

Curiousity overtakes me as I approach it. Pulling it out of the crack in the ground

Y/n: I wonder how you got broken up so much, heh I guess we're in the same boat sorta. Wait you can actually help me out here.

I approach the door as I hold the Ruby shard against it.

Y/n: Please help me out here...

The door shined with the Ruby as it opened. I let out a fist pump of glee before I kissed the shard with thanks.

Y/n: Alright time to lea......... What if their are other shards in here, stuck with no way out.

Y/n: After I do a quick look around!

I looked around finding a couple of small shards that got stuck in cracks. I let out a sigh of relief as I triple check before leaving

Y/n: I wonder how hard it would be to steal Greg's van


Y/n: Not that hard apparently.

I was speeding at a extremely fast pace, when I finally made it to the hospital. I saw the gems had just arrived outside aswell

Y/n: Hey guys!

Garnet visibly flinched as Pearl turned around with a wave. Amethyst just seemed confused on how I got here

Garnet: Y/n!

Y/n: Yes?

Garnet: Why!?

Y/n: Because you kept me in a place with very limited oxygen. Also I want to show you guys something?

Amethyst: Oh.... right you guys need to breathe

Garnet seemed upset as she marched towards me. She attempts to grab me but I duck under her arms next to Pearl

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