Power up

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     We just finished warping back at the beach house as we exit the warp-pad. Spinel immediately opens tons of cabinets at high speeds stretching her body to the various places as she hands me several items some food others cleaning supplies.

I chuckle at her worried behavior so I reach out 2 of my arms and catch her as she calms down. I eat some chips from the pile of stuff that she gave me as I feel my energy returning

Spinel: Are you okay now!?

I nod my head in response as I see her worry fade away. I stand back up I collect some food, before I stand on the warp-pad again and Spinel does too. We warp back to the garden and I set the food next to a pillar

Y/n: There now we are okay

?: For now yes but we will have to get more food later

Y/n: What do you recommend we do It's risky taking Spinel with us?

?: We should try to get rid of the threat!

Y/n: I already have a hard time walking now you want us to fight 3 veterans!?

?: I have thought of a solution for that problem.... We need to find more shards

Y/n: Why?

?: Shards are parts of gems and some gems that have gotten shattered were warriors if we can "convince" some shards to join our form then fighting will come naturally and we will overall be stronger


?: Find shards that were warriors and get them to join us and we will be stronger

I nod my head as I go to the warp pad before I remember Spinel as I turn around to get her I see that she was sleeping as we warp away to the kindergarten

Y/n: We should have many shards to choose from here

?: Yes we remember seeing a few before we stumbled onto you

I walk around the Kindergarden. As I do I hear various shuffling and see shards trying their best to move around but flail instead because of their form I count about 4 of them each with 3 shards

Y/n: I think we should get all of them

?: But our form might be overwhelmed causing us to lose control!?

Y/n: Maybe but remember when you guys were like that! Dont you feel bad?

? Goes silent as I approach the amalgamations before I stare at them as they all 4 "look" at me

Y/n: We are a stable form......I think we have some room for more to join us

The shard amalgamations immediately poof as the shards hover in the air before floating to our shard group as they glow before dissapearing into our shards

Y/n: I expected them to latch on?

?: We are here and thankful for your mercy our shards have merged with yours but on the inside except outside

Y/n: Oh alright. If you dont mind me asking but what gems were you before you were shattered

?:...........We have remembered what we  were when we joined we were 6 Amethyst shards, 3 Peridot shards, 2 Emerald shards, and 1 Pearl shard!

Y/n: I think that is a pretty powerful upgrade! But I have another question how come you guys talk as one???

?: Because we are formed together so we are one but since we're shards we're also different! We are a fusion and the only reason why our form has a somewhat stable anatomy is because of our forms body

Y/n: So my body is the reason we dont have a leg for a head and arms for feet! Cool

?: Correct but if we were to poof our form we would start to deteriorate leaving our form gone.

Y/n: So don't get poofed or else I die permanently? Got it

?: And if we were to become unstable we would lose control of our minds and our form this would also cause deterioration if we don't recover in time!

Y/n: And im assuming that you guys can just reform if I die right?

?: No joining your form interlocked our minds meaning if you die we do to leaving only our gems but with no conscious inside them

I nod my head as I remember all the information as we start to walk around the Kindergarden. Gathering many shards as they join us until after awhile we decided to leave. I was starting to feel the effects of the shards joining us as we make it to the warp-pad. I just barely fit inside of it as we go back to the garden

Y/n: We have grown?

?: Yes and are also stronger, smarter, more agile, and we have only gotten started!

I walk around the Garden as I see the resting Spinel as I go over to her and lightly tap her to wake her up as she stirs awake she looks at me before backing away a bit

Spinel: Y/n y-you have gotten bigger!

I nod my head as I lay down feeling dizzy from today as I lay down I slowly drift off to a rest as the shards stop talking and I feel Spinel lay beside me

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