A Plan

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     Y/n and Spinel walked through the wintery woods. Enjoying the cold of the winter air against their rather hot body from the recent breakdown.

Y/n: I think it's best you hang out with the gems today Spinel

Eventually the pair make it to the warp pad, just as the gems exit, Connie and Steven following soon wearing their winter clothes.

Y/n: Hello

Garnet: Y/n!?

Y/n: Goodbye!

Spinel: Goodbye!

Y/n stands on the warp, warping away. Spinel staying with the gems as they stare at her.

*With Y/n*

Y/n and Unity, sat down in the garden with some content. This was the first in awhile the pair were alone, however it didn't even seem to cross Y/n's mind. His own thoughts simply being drowned out by the cacophony of voices.

Y/n: Might aswell get some rest...

So Y/n's mind began to tire as the voices provided a nice white noise. Pushing all the worries of the day away, instead just focusing on the nice break Y/n has at the moment.


Unity: Y/n.

The voices stopped, the silence literally deafening in Y/n's head.

Y/n: Um, yeah?

Unity: Would you like to... go on a walk

Y/n: We just went on one?

Unity: Then how about... a-

Garnet: Explanation?

Y/n: Crap....

Garnet: So why did you leave Spinel with us and.... what are you doing.

The amalgamation gives off a long sigh before shifting, now they are laying down facing Garnet. The large form acting strange as they swing their feet in the air.

Y/n: Oh just taking a break... I'm enjoying it a little.

Garnet: You seem to be more than a "little" happy.

Y/n: Oh?

Y/n does a quick review of his body, noticing the slight changes but simply shrugging them off.

Y/n: No idea.

Unity: We hope Spinel didn't cause trouble

Garnet: I have no idea actually. I immediately came here after you dropped her off. Had to think a bit to find the right warp

Y/n: Huh? Well your free to stay! Just try not to talk about work or whatever

Garnet doesn't respond, instead laying down towards the end of Y/n's legs. So they sat in the silence of the garden, a slight snoring coming from Y/n just a bit later.

Unity: Great, he's asleep, now we can talk

Garnet: Huh?

Unity: How do you do it?

Garnet was picked up by the fusion, Unity slightly squeezing them as Garnet stared stoicly back. A little sigh escapes Unity before Garnet is sat back down, Unity crossing her arms as rainbow tints the shell of the head.

Unity: How can you contain their love so easily. Or your love? Fusion is so confusing

Garnet: ironic. But that's besides the point. What exactly are you talking abo- Ohhhhhh!

The giant fusion embarrassingly diddle their thumbs together as Garnet holds a hand over her mouth. Taking a moment to breath and compose herself

Garnet: Right, Y/n.... the HUMAN your fused with, your in love with them. Right

Unity: Yeah. All of us actually, we really, really......... like him.

Garnet takes a moment to think about the situation. 100s of shards are all in love with one guy, a human full of mystery none the less.

Garnet: All of you- Ok. Listen to me, every single one of you alright. How obvious have you made it clear you love them.

Unity: We think we've made it pretty obvious. However Y/n is.....

Garnet: Innocent?

Unity: That and a idiot

Garnet: Oh. Well, if that's the case you could just try and tell him you love him.

Unity thought about that, the shards fluctuating in thought before bringing issues to the table. Y/n is emotional, the pressure of having to deal with love might be too much.

Unity: Then that risks him panicking, we don't want to distress him. Well.... we do, but consensual

Garnet: Alright skipping past that. I have a idea, you and Y/n should go on a date!

A date? Unity has definitely heard that before, their are multiple terms using it. A outing were two people or things bond and learn about eachother to further a relationship or enjoyment. How will that solve the emotional issue though?

Unity: A.... date?

Garnet only grins as the shards get scared at this emotional side of Garnet. The Sapphires look into the future before the whole fusion begins to illuminate rainbow.

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