Still Human

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     As soon as Y/n entered the house, he collapsed onto the floor. The gems stared in shock as the shards quickly lifted him and sat him on the couch.

Unity: Y/N!

Amethyst: What's wrong with him?

Unity: We-.... we are very stupid.

The Gems stared at the cluster of shards before they stared at Y/n. Y/n had collapsed out of exhaustion and lack of nourishment. If Spinel knew this happened, no doubt would Unity recieve a mouthfull

Garnet: He's exhausted.

Garnet said taking the words out of the shards mouths. Unity knew Y/n had his dumb moments, however forgetting to rest and eat is something else entirely. Was he doing it on purpose? Or was he so busy he didn't notice at all.

Unity fluctuated as blue shards made their way to the surface of the creature.

Unity: We have to go see Spinel. Keep him safe or we will make sure that all of you are shattered and dust.

The shards hurried out of the door as the gems stare at Y/n. Unsure of what to do with this newfound house guest. That is until he suddenly lunges up

Y/n: Oh, I'm on the couch now?

Pearl: Y/n..... I think you need a check up.

Y/n: No.

Pearl was shocked by this abrupt response as he flings himself over the couch. Putting a barrier between himself and Pearl

Y/n: No needles!

Pearl: We are a highly advanced civilization. We do not use "needles"

Amethyst: Yeah we just gotta bust ya up and look inside ya.

Y/n: Amethyst.... Oh that's just a joke right?

Garnet: Y/n. Get on the couch.

Y/n: Are they serious? They do know busting up a human is dangerous to my life? They are pretty ignorant when it comes to human biology though, maybe they consider me a special case!? They have done stuff like this before?








Y/n: Oh hey Rose nice to see you again!

The Gems turned their head around to where Y/n was facing. When they look back they see the door swung open as Garnet sighs.

Pearl: Amethyst!

Amethyst: I WAS JOKING!?

Garnet: I'll get him

Garnet says with tiredness before running outside the house. Soon she returns, Y/n over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, she swiftly dumps him on the couch as Y/n frowns. He crosses his arms before he sits up Amethyst sitting next to him.

Amethyst: If it makes you feel better, I was joking?

Y/n: You guys can take jokes too far sometimes.

Pearl: It's a bad habit

This got Y/n's attention as he smiled ear to ear at Pearl's response and posture. She changed! She admitted to a mistake and recognizes the gems do indeed have a problem with that! It's a small change sure, but this little ripple might turn into a massive wave with enough support.

Y/n tried to stand up but immediately fell back down onto the couch. He growled in frustration at his weakness. Looking at Amethyst he noticed her seemingly analyzing him. It was a strange sight for this usually carefree gem

Y/n: I really need to work with you guys more

Garnet: I agree, but you probably mean something else

*Amethyst pov*

The other two were asking Y/n questions. He answered them quickly and politely, if he didn't answer, he simply told them "You guys would do something stupid with that" and that would be the end of it


I noticed his eyes, his pained smile. He didn't want to be here right now, he seemed so tired aswell. He literally passed out from exhaustion from walking inside. Why are we asking him so many questions?

Amethyst: Hey man are you alright?

Y/n: Oh! Yes I'm fine. Just a little tired from the recent events

It must have been stressful now that I think about it. We bashed his head in, and then we ripped off one of his arms. I would hate the person who did that to me, yet he sits there like we've chatted with him everyday

I feel my conscious begin to way down on my mind. Are we doing the right thing? What will the others do if he continues to refuse some question? All of these lingering thoughts made me pick up the human.

Amethyst: Let's get some rest. We've all had a long day haven't we?

Pearl: Yes, but-

Amethyst: Glad you agree! Bye

I enter into my room before the door shuts. I throw him onto a mattress as he grumbles is annoyance.

Y/n: That was rude Amethyst.

Amethyst: So?

I didn't care about his rebuttals. He was just trying to do the right thing. Even if it did, in fact harm his body. The guy would thank me after he got some shut eye

I hop onto my bed as I keep an eye on Y/n. He eventually just layed down, falling asleep in a matter of seconds as I let out a sigh of annoyance.

Amethyst: Everyone deserves some rest. Why didn't you get any?

I shrug off the question before I begin to sleep aswell. The running water from Pearl's room easing the both of us into sleep.

*Meanwhile with Spinel*

Spinel: Soo Malachite are you sure this is a good idea?

Malachite: We throw you high into the air, Peridot catches you, Lapis realises that Peridot isn't bad anymore and they get along.

Steven: Full proof

Malachite throws Spinel into the air as Unity. Currently in shards looks at the group after rounding the corner.

Unity: Where... is... Spinel...

Malachite: Um.

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