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Pearl and Y/n talked for hours on end. Pearl finally had someone to vent to who had no bias or cared about her secrets. Just a blank slate who could listen and react

Pearl: And that's why I hate her and I love her!

Y/n: Yeah it seems like you've been broken for a long time.

Pearl: Broken?

Y/n: Well you talk about how you hate the things she does yet you also love her. What I don't get is why you love her, because she's sweet? Sweetness is as easy to manipulate with as a lie.

Pearl: You mean she was being nice to me just to use me.

Y/n: Yes... sadly

Pearl gets disheartened as she thinks to all the good times both her and rose had. Were those good times for the both of them or just Rose, to be... entertained.

Y/n: It's good to think back to those good times. However you need to know what those were, so your not tricked like that again.

The two sat in silence for a few more hours. It was peaceful for Pearl but highly irritable for Y/n there had to be constant noise, it's what keeps him calm for some reason?

Y/n: Being a monster must have messed with me.

Pearl: Hmm, how so?

Y/n: This silence, it isn't as calming as I thought it would be. But if you like it-

Pearl: No it's quite fine, it's about time I left my room. I might end up like Amethyst if I stay here too long

Pearl joked as Y/n stayed silent. He didn't feel right, it was starting to annoy him deeply. However they exited the room as Pearl explored around, Y/n took this chance to head outside.

Y/n: I need to know what I did as a monster

So he made his way to the barn, trampling over sharp rocks and sticks. A unhesitant march for answers.

*Y/n pov*

Y/n I entered into the barn, heading past the massive drill as I looked for her. Where was she? Ah there she is, laying on the couch asleep

Y/n: Hey Peridot.

She slowly stirred awake before she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at me in confusion before backing up in... fear

Peridot: W-why are you here!

Y/n: I need some help from someone who is unbiased. Can you tell me about what I did as a monster

Peridot: And why would I do that!

She says angrily before marching off, I follow after her until I fall on the ground. My feet weren't working anymore?

Peridot: HA! Wait, your really hurt.

I looked at my feet as multiple jagged stones stuck into them. All tied together by briars and thorns, Peridot easily picked me up before setting me on the couch.

Peridot: Why were you walking with this?

Y/n: I didn't notice it until now.

I was just bleeding, it was no big deal. Why was she making such a fuss of this whole thing? It doesn't even hurt


My feet were cleaned and fixed. She then wrapped them as I stare at her

Peridot: What do you mean you didn't feel that

Y/n: I didn't feel it.

Peridot looks around before taking me outside. Placing me on a sheet before poking a pulling at my body.

Peridot: You have no reaction at all. You're numb.

Y/n: Numb? What does that mean?

Peridot: It means you can't feel anything. It's like your body is disconnected from your senses.

Y/n: Did it happen when I became a monster?

Peridot: I don't know, but it's not normal. You should be able to feel pain.

Y/n: I could feel before, when I was... But now...

Peridot brings me back inside as I stare at her in confusion again. She takes my temperature before setting me down on the couch.

Y/n: Someone's missing

Peridot: Huh?

Y/n: This comfort, it's not supposed to be from you. No offense, but someone else did this. Was it the monster?


I look at Garnet her face was frantic. Something must have went wrong when I left

Peridot: What's wrong!?

Garnet: The shards.















They are all missing...

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