Home and Safe

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     Unity had Y/n in their hands, their shards fluctuated and were shaking with anger. The shards went over his hand and over his shoulder, damage was done to him. His arm was shattered, his throat bruised, and his shoulder was pierced.

Steven: Unity I can fix him! I have healing spit!

Unity: No... I will do it myself.

Unity gently held her pink shards over his injurys. He was healing to the point their wasn't the slightest blemish on his body. The only thing that remained was his scars from their first fusion.

Unity: Oh... what's this?

Unity noticed the shard and gently plucked it out of Y/n's body. They put the shard in their large mass, getting all the memories of the shard as Unity is left in a state of shock.

Unity: O-Oh! Well then.

Unity's expression shifted from shock to a mix of curiosity and concern as they processed the memories from the shard. They glanced at Y/n, a hint of worry evident in their eyes.

Steven: What did you see, Unity?

Unity hesitated for a moment before speaking, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

Unity: Memories... memories of pain, actions, and...... *ahem*. It seems this shard held some troubling experiences.

Steven nodded understandingly, while Y/n stirred, gradually regaining consciousness.

Y/n: What happened?

Unity turned to Y/n, a gentle smile forming on their face.

Unity: You had a little accident, but you're okay now. We took care of it.

Y/n blinked, then looked around, noticing the lack of injuries on their body.

Y/n: Wow, thanks Unity. And thanks, Steven.

Steven grinned, relieved to see Y/n recovering.

Steven: No problem, buddy. Just glad you're okay.

Y/n stood up on Unitys hands as she held him close to their chest. The two of them fusing back to their normal state with a grin. Luckily remaining at a somewhat maniagble height.

As Y/n and Unity fused back together, their bond felt stronger than ever. The memories from the shard lingered in Unity's consciousness, a reminder of the challenges they had faced and overcome together. Yet, there was a lingering sense of unease, a question that lingered in Unity's mind.

Unity: Steven, do you think there are more shards out there like this one?

Steven furrowed his brow, contemplating the possibility.

Steven: It's hard to say, but it's possible. We've encountered shards with memories before, but this one seemed particularly intense.

Unity nodded, their expression serious.

Unity: We should be cautious. If there are more shards out there with troubling memories, we need to be prepared to face them.

Steven agreed, knowing that they needed to stay vigilant to protect themselves and others from any potential threats.

Meanwhile, Y/n looked up at Unity, a sense of gratitude washing over them.

Y/n: Thanks for always looking out for me, Unity.

The fusion smiled warmly, their form shimmering with affection.

Unity: Of course, Y/n. We're in this together, no matter what.

Y/n: Alright, let's go home. I miss Spinel and really want some rest, thank you for having us Steven

Steven: No problem! Try not to crush anything on your way out?

Y/n: No promises

So they warp home, hugging Spinel as they manage the garden whose branches have grown out of control. As Unity puzzling thought about Y/n's condition during his capture. Because, he wasn't sick at all

Y/n: Amethyst needs therapy.

Unity: *sigh* You need therapy Y/n~

Sorry it's a little short but next chapter is a long one.

Anyway, Unity concept Art! (Up to reader interpretation of course)

Anyway, Unity concept Art! (Up to reader interpretation of course)

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