A Big Visit

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It took over an hour but eventually Unity carrying Spinel made it to the kindergarden warp pad. With a huff they do in fact warp back to the Garden as Unity lightly places down Spinel

Spinel: Ok before you get mad. First I want to say I'm not mad at you anymore. So maybe I can be treated the same~

Unity: We are just glad that you are safe. Well some of us are happy about different things?

Y/n: She isn't as upset at Pearl or Pink anymore!~

Unity: It is good to see you in a better mood Y/n

Y/n: Should I not be?


It was calm and quiet as Y/n watched as Spinel slowly tired herself out as Y/n and Unity played with the hyper gem. Then again this did take a whole day and it was only a matter of time before

Spinel: Huh? I feel a little tire-

Spinel then collapses onto the ground as Y/n lightly pokes Spinel's side as she lays on the ground. Getting no response from the gem

Unity: Is she alright?

Y/n: Passed out from exhaustion. I guess she's still suffering from standing up all those years?

With a gentle scoop Y/n picks up Spinel before sitting her back down in a more comfortable position. This may be the last time the see the gem afterall

Y/n: Shall we pay a visit to Malachite?

Unity: That nightmare of a fusion???

Y/n: They are simply two desperate beings trying to find a place in the world... that's what drove them together. That is what drives them

Y/n approaches and stands on the warp pad. Soon arriving at a very familiar island full of small watermelons shaped like Steven running around. Hiding behind a tree and peeking around it watching the watermelon people run around

Unity: This is...... bizarre

Y/n chuckles at the reaction of their MANY friends. After they were done explaining the situation to Unity. Y/n moved swiftly and as quietly as possible across the island eventually arriving at the ocean

Y/n: Hey does our body need Oxygen?

Unity: I believe not. Why?

Y/n then slowly moves into the water. Their spiked legs anchoring them to the ground and helping them move across the ocean floor.

Unity: She is trapped in the ocean? Why are you so intent on meeting them now if they are freed and seperated later?

Y/n: Lapis and Jasper both lose their sanity being trapped down here. A constant fight between them under the pressure of the ocean well... that's a lot of pressure

As they move across the ocean floor Unity takes interest in the surroundings. It was quiet yet so full of life and sites down in the deep

Unity: We could have never experienced this you know?

Y/n: Hmm?

Unity: We were mindless beings when we were shards. Just... wandering without purpose except to find our original pieces and to form.

Y/n: Well I am quite happy that your lives are better now!

Unity: Y/n I believe we have never said this before but for what it is worth... Thank you

The form stopped in its place as Unity finished. The amalgamation of shard immediately felt nervous this causes their form to slightly glitch as they wait for Y/n's response fearing they might have just ruined this alliance

Y/n: Your welcome. Thank you also I would have probably never made it this far without you guys!

After the positive feedback their form stops glitching and becomes stable again. They continue under the water until they come across a wide deep pit and in the middle was Malachite chained down. Their head hanged low seemingly in thought

Unity: Any idea on how we can talk to them without being crushed?

Y/n: Nope!

Unity:................. Great~

Y/n looks over the edge before jumping off gently floating down to the bottom of the pit looking at the side of Malachite. She looked sad

Y/n: Excuse me

Those simple words gain the attention of the fusion as they look over and down at the spider. Just barely being able to see them thanks to the glow of the shards and herself.

*Malachite pov*

What is that? It looks like a corrupted gem but... are those shards? Whatever it is- I'M GOING TO CRUSH IT!!!

I swing at the thing only for my arm to fall short and the grip of the chains force it back down to the sand. The creature jumped back startled as two pairs of arms look ready to strike and the other pair defend

Malachite: Stupid little spider. COCKY GEM!

???: Lapis? Jasper? I need to talk to them Malachite. Or yourself if you prefer it?

Malachite: Might aswell chat with me. THE OTHER TWO ARE TOO WEAK!

The little creature that wanted to chat with me tilted it's head in confusion as I stared at them. I guess I understand that aswell a fusion like me shouldn't exist

???: Right? Well first it is nice to meet you. My name is Y/n

Wait how did they know my name? How did they know the two gems who fused name's???

?: And mine is Unity

Malachite: So you have two names? HAH FREAK!

I groan at the seemingly two opposite sides of myself. I can't control it I didn't ask to be made this way? Something I do take note of is that the second voice sounded more stern and distorted then the first. What is this creature

Y/n: I don't exactly know what your going through... but do you mind if I ask you what's wrong

Malachite: I'm a fusion... A BEAST! But as you can see I wasn't made right. Heck my two fusers ARE TOO BUSY FIGHING EACHOTHER TO WORRY ABOUT.... me. This is probably too much for you I'm sorry

Y/n: Their is no need to apologize. You can't help it and I'm truly sorry you came into this world suffering. I actually came here too see if I can make your temporary stay here better?

What? They said temporary right. Then that means.... I will be free at some point!

Malachite: Um sorry if this sounds rude but. WHAT ARE YOU!?

Y/n: Well to put it simply shards found a way to get a form

Unity: By fusing with a human

Curious I lean down to get a better look at them. They are rather strange looking but other then that they seem completely stable

Malachite: Please tell me about your journey the less I talk THE BETTER YOU RUNT!

Y/n: Oh where do I start? Oh how about Spinel I bet you would like her she is very playful!

As I looked down and listened to Y/n and Unity talk I felt nice for once. The arguing slowly faded from the back of my head as I listened to them talk about their travels. I soon find myself chuckling at some of the parts of the story this is nice?

They soon had to leave and as much as I didn't want them too they had to go. With a bow they bid me adue and promised they would come back and try to visit me daily.

Malachite: I have something to look forward too ABOUT TIME!

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