A Meeting

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     Its been a couple of hours. Malachite was still getting adjusted to her new form. She kept muttering about it being really quiet and rubbing her wrists

Unity: We could be grabbing shards from the cluster right now

Y/n: My brain can barely handle your voices right now. What do you think would happen if a 100'000 more were added? Plus this is a lot nicer

Y/n says as they look at Spinel play with the reluctant Malachite.

Unity:..... good point

Malachite: Ugh this is so weird.

Y/n: You'll be fine, just try not to poof anymore. You won't come back theoretically

Malachite: Those two... are they-

Y/n: Gone? Yes, dead.... I hope not

Y/n looks away regretfully as Malachite shrugs a bit. It was strange for her not to be in emotional turmoil, it was definitely going to take a bit

Malachite: Do you have anything to do around here?

Y/n: Play with Spinel.

Malachite: Besides that, no offense.

Y/n: Um... read a dictionary? And we have Uno

Spinel: Y/nity always wins though, I think they cheat.

Spinel whispers while laying down in Malachite's hair. Y/n was struggling to think of something to do, Y/n was always entertained because he had thousands of friends to talk too. He never really thought about entertaining someone who wasn't as easly entertained as Spinel

Y/n: We could go see Lapis

Malachite: Why would I want to see that siren!?

Y/n: Well she's separated from Jasper now. So maybe it's a chance for you to see face to face.

Malachite: Face to face huh... alright let's go!


Steven just got back with Lapis from their little flight around the world. They expected to see the nice barn, however they instead saw two fusions the size of barns. Plus a small pink gem swinging between the two

Y/n: Hello!

Lapis: Steven... who are they?

Lapis said nervously as Steven looked nervous the same. They landed infront of them as the fusions looked down

Steven: Um, Lapis meet Y/n and Y/n meet Lapis

Y/n: Nice to meet you. I know a couple Lapises but you are very distinct!

Lapis: Thanks? Who are you two

Spinel: I am Spinel!

Malachite: And I am suprised you don't recognize me.

Y/n: Malachite...


Steven had the bright idea to set out drinks for everyone. Y/n struggled to pick up the cup while Spinel simply laughed at the clumsy amalgamation.

Steven: So what brings you here guys.

Y/n: Well I wanted to check on Lapis after I separated Malachite from her and Jasper. That and Malachite wanted to see her

Lapis: I never thought I would see my fusion. Like, well.... this

Steven: Yeah, how did you separate them Y/n?

Y/n: Can't tell you or the gems will find out and yell at me.

Unity: And then we will grind them to dust.

Y/n sighed as Steven flinched at the threat. Malachite chuckled at how blatant Unity said the threat.

Lapis: I understand, they can get a bit intense with their yelling.

Malachite: So that's where you picked it up from?

Lapis: I'm confused? Why do you have a problem with me?

Malachite: Your dumb, but not that dumb. Did you not think all that time spent yelling and fighting with Jasper didn't affect me!?

Malachite stresses out as a look of guilt goes over Lapis's face.

Lapis: You... you were-

Malachite: Yep, but since it seems you didn't know that... I'm going to let it slide, I'm just curious about who you are now. And whether or not I should shatter you and give you to Y/n.

Y/n let's out another sigh, this one of relief as Malachite seems upset. Thankfully not at Lapis however. Y/n smiled before grabbing onto Spinel, hugging her like a toy as she let out a audible squeak

Unity: That's adorable!

Spinel: That's my ribs squeezing my lungs!

Y/n: Gems don't have those sweetie.

Spinel: Dang it, I wanted you to freak out

Y/n grunts before squeaking Spinel again. Chuckling a bit as Steven does aswell

Y/n: Spinel go play with Steven, I'm going to go visit the gems while Malachite and Lapis talk

Lapis: Um, she looks like she's going to rip me in half

Y/n: Your a big girl! Malachite's bigger, but you know. Good luck!


Y/n went to the Temple happier than ever as he gets to share his discoverys with the gems. Spinel and Steven on the other hand have to deal with Peridot who just came out of the barn and met with Lapis

Y/n: Knock! Knock!

Y/n knocked on the door, looking in through the window as he and Amethyst locked eyes


Y/n: We have a name besides that one you know?

The Gems came outside. They seemed to be on guard, except Garnet who just relaxed as Y/n made himself known. She knew the highest chance of them actually killing someone would be on accident.

Y/n: Guess what I did

Amethyst: Sliced us into pieces

Pearl: Collected the Cluster

Y/n: All good guesses! I actually managed to separate the fusion from a fusion!

Garnet: You what!

Y/n: I love getting reactions out of you!

Garnet: Y/n, explain.

Pearl and Amethyst looked at Garnet in shock as her voice caused the monster to stumble slightly.

Y/n: Malachites free! And so far she's been adapting well with no problems!

Pearl: How!?

Y/n: I can't tell you or else you might do something dumb!

Pearl: Oh please, I'm not you.

Y/n: Does a spaceship made out of barn parts ring any bells?

Pearl crosses her arms before looking away. Amethyst shrugging in agreement as she laughs a bit.

Y/n then glows white as he gets released from the fusion. The shards wrapping around him protectively as he stares at the group

Y/n: Shall we head inside?

Gems:..... Sureeeee?

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