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     It was now a stare off between Y/n and Sapphire as Spinel continues to play with Ruby

Y/n: So um hi?

Sapphire: The gems w-

?: Wont come for you

Sapphire:........What do you want

Y/n: Uh this might sound super strange but I want to help you guys?

Sapphire crosses her arms as she stares at Y/n's "eyes"

Sapphire: So you try to kill Steven

Y/n: Well-

Sapphire: Attack us

Y/n: Um-

Sapphire: And then unfuse us against our will and kidnap us and keep us away from eachother and now you want to help us?


Y/n collapses as he holds his head as Sapphire continues to stare at him

Y/n: If it makes this less bad um... Sorry

?: Hey you tried to kill us first!

Sapphire: Kill you? We are trying to save you!

?: Oh and you are doing great at that tell me how many gems have been uncorrupted?... better yet how many times have you actually tried to help them!?

Sapphire: We have been to busy. Plus we don't want to risk making it worse

Y/n: She has a good point there but even so you cant make progress without some testing?

Sapphire: So in human terms your saying "you cant make a omelette without cracking a few eggs"?

Y/n: Lets agree to disagree

?: *sigh* fine~

Sapphire then gets to the end of the cage and reaches out to touch our face as we use one of our arms to hold it away

Sapphire: Even now you corrupted and you don't even realise it.... Please let us help you

Y/n: We are shattered and fused together and to be quite honest

?: We are perfectly fine with our arrangement

Sapphire: When you say "we" do you mean the other shards?

?: We are the shards a single being of multiple minds and yes and no... We are not just 1 force 1 body but actually 2

Y/n: Sciency way of saying 2 minds in 1 body!

Sapphire: Like a............. Fusion?

?: Yes and no. 1-we do not make a new person. When fused we are us just in 1 body. 2-We are the same as the fusion Garnet as that we are permanently fused we will never unfuse until death.

Y/n: Wait I just realised that we are technically married?

Sapphire tilts her head at us as we do the same to her

Sapphire: How many shards are you made of

?: Eh we lost count at 69 but I would say over 100

Sapphire: O-over 100? Hmm you seem to change personality a lot why? who is the other one

Y/n: Im Y/n

?: Im... Well hold on were going to take a vote on a name real quick............... Unity

Sapphire: You both sound the exact same but I will try to learn the difference. Anyway you mentioned something about death earlier but that is a human concept not gems. Can you explain

Unity: When we were being chased by your team we met a human laying on the ground and for some reason we felt....... Connected when seeing him so we fused with him and here we are

Sapphire: Y/n is a human!? Gems and humans can't fuse let alone shards how?

Unity: By force! Burning ourselves into his mind body and soul!

Y/n: Yeah it wasn't pleasant but I guess it worked?

We then marched around the cage getting bored of laying down as we circled the cage

Unity: Yes and because our body and mind are fused.... well like I will just tell you our weaknesses?

Y/n: Anyway we want to help you guys yay!

Sapphire:...... How?

Y/n: Eh just overall helping out for only a small, tiny, itsy bitsy, little payment

Sapphire: And the payment is?

Unity: Shards give them to us let us take care of them

Spinel then is seen currently playing rock paper scissors with Ruby as they laugh with eachother

Y/n: Aww~ she is so good at making friends when she's not beating the s*** out of you guys

Sapphire: What are your intentions with the shards?

Unity: Allow them to join our form

Sapphire: I..... I cant guarantee that... The others will not agree and I still don't trust you so........ No I will have to refuse

Y/n: Ah thats a shame? oh well we tried

I then open the cage as I go over to Ruby's and do the same as Sapphire and Ruby run to eachother and form Garnet

Garnet: Why?

Y/n: I don't care if you agree or not we would have just preferred it if you did..... We will get the shards and you wont stop us..... Until then Steven's worried go home

Garnet: Until next time Unity

Y/n: Y/n


Spinel: AWWW Does that mean I can't play with them anymore!

Unity: Don't be sad trust us. We will meet them again

Garnet then steps on the warp pad and warps away as we pick Spinel up and set her down on one of our many legs

Y/n: Plan B

Unity: Yep

Y/n: So we will need to ally with Jasper, Lapis, Bismuth, and The Cluster

Unity: Jasper and Lapis will be a pain since we need them to work together

Spinel: Uh why are you talking to yourself and who are those guys???

I pat Spinels head as we stare into space

Y/n: Just some new friends

Spinel: Oh wil they be as fun as Ruby!

Unity: That and more

Spinel: YAY!!!

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