Human Troubles

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I woke up as a unfamiliar feeling surrounded me. It was a soft fabric that seemed to heat me up as I opened my eyes.

Y/n: This doesn't feel right.

I said to no one in particular before I attempted to stand. Almost immediately falling onto my face with a grunt. When did I become so unbalanced?

And my vision, it feels so uncomfortable, like I have to keep spinning in order to feel somewhat normal. What has happened while I fell asleep!?

Y/n: The last thing I remember is getting attacked by some shard amalgamations after getting transported here.

I shook off the strangeness focusing on moving around. I found it easier if I kept my eyes closed while I moved, eventually getting back into the rhythm of walking

This place's walls were wooden. And grass seemed to be just outside, I couldn't help but enjoy the comfort of the soft grass and the summer night air

?: Your awake.

I open my eyes as I turn around. It was a small curly haired boy with a star on his ches-

Y/n: Steven.

Steven: You know who I am?

Y/n: Of course I do! Your Steven Universe you are like the sho-... shouldn't say that.

I crouch down and smile at him as he comes close. I extend my hand as he carefully takes it, was Steven always so shy like this?

Y/n: Hi I'm Y/n! Nice to meet you

Steven: N-nice to meet you to Y/n

Y/n: Hey do you mind telling me where I am? And also.... how did I get here, I'm having some memory issues

Steven: You don't remember?

Y/n: Remember what?

Our conversation is cut short as I feel myself get picked up before turned around. It was Garnet and she was currently holding me off the ground like as I stared at her

Y/n: Oh, hi Garnet! My name is Y/n nic-

Garnet: I know.

Y/n: Oh. Can you maybe, put me down now?

*3rd pov*

This was definitely Y/n. Garnet could immediately tell thanks to him not seeming to be freaked out or startled at all by her intimidating presence. He did seem off though, something wasn't right

Steven: Garnet, he doesn't remember.

Garnet: Hm.

Garnet processed this information quickly as she stared at Y/n who seemed to be annoyed. He closed his eyes which seemed to fix whatever problem he was having

Garnet: Get back into the barn, and wait there. I'll chase you down if you attempt to run

Y/n: Ok. What's with the threats though! Do you already not like me even though we just met?

He said sadly before walking into the barn, laying down and curling up on a beanbag

Garnet: Steven go get the others and tell them he doesn't remember anything. I'll have a little chat with him in the meantime

Steven runs off as Garnet goes into the barn. Staring at Y/n trying to get comfortable on the beanbag. Eventually managing to sit down in it as their eyes meet

Y/n: Hey?

Garnet: Your Y/n

Y/n: Yeah, should I not be?

Garnet was somewhat perplexed by this. That massive thing that was only defeated by luck, has the mind of this human. Then again the Shard Spider always acted like this aswell. It's just so strange seeing it in a human body

Garnet roughly put her hands on his face, this caused Y/n to wince slightly as Garnet finally smiled

Garnet: It's so nice to see you in person.

Y/n: Huh?

Garnet: It's a long story

Garnet says before picking Y/n and the beanbag up bridal style. This once feared monster is now just a fragile human she can mess with. It felt nice to have this new sourge of confidence

Garnet: Ahhh I finally beat you.

Y/n: Am I in a yandere universe or something? She's acting crazy, I've just met her

Y/n couldn't really get out of her grasp though as she continued to hold him. While Y/n was internally panicking

Y/n: Could you please let me go.

Garnet: Not until the others get here so hush.

Y/n:......... something doesn't feel right?

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