Seeking Power

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Spinel: You don't have to do this!

Y/n: I'm sorry

Spinel: Please! Your better than this Y/n!

Y/n: It's over I win Spinel

With that Y/n brings down the final blow
A +4 for the Uno win. Spinel throws her card into the air showing that she had the right color for her Uno.

Spinel: No fair! You used future vision didn't you

Y/n: Nope! Just good at the game~


Unity: It's time

Y/n nods in confirmation as he stands up with a stretch, Grabs Spinel, before moving and standing on the warp pad soon arriving at the desert Kindergarden

*3rd pov*

Steven Amethyst and Peridot were hammering away at a broken injector when they head the warp pad activate in the distance

Amethyst: Huh? What could they want

Steven: Maybe they're just checking on us

The rapid sound of feet moving however however sends a shock of fear through Amethyst as she drags Peridot and Steven behind the injector

Peridot: What is wron-

Amethyst: Shhh!

They stay silent as the rapid movement stops abruptly

Steven: The shard spider

Amethyst: Mhmm

They then all three peak over the injector staring at the large thing as it looks around

Unity: This is the place

Y/n: Alright...

Y/n simply lays down as he plays with Spinel unknown to the prying eyes of the trio.

Peridot: A pink gem? I thought those were all bubbled years ago!?

Steven: Huh?

Steven looks over quizzically before a suddenly cracking is heard. They look over and see a amalgamation of shards fall from a wall next to Y/n. Spinel simply trods over before picking it up and tossing it to Y/n. It adds itself to the fusion before even reaching the ground

Spinel: That's so cool!

Y/n simply nods as the fusion continues to play with Spinel as shards from around the Kindergarden make their way to Y/n before adding themselves to the large fusion

Peridot: Ugh~ It's just fusing for the sake of fusing?

Steven: What's that gem's name? I've seen her before

Peridot: Oh that's a Spinel. Their muses for high class gems

Steven ponders the name as the shard spider stops moving slowly it stands up. With a slight nudge and encouragement forward Y/n dizzily makes his way back to the warp pad. In one fell swoop they just took on all of the shards in this new Kindergarden

*Spinel pov*

As I guided Y/n and Unity I noticed as their form started to glitch before growing larger. This is not new for these trips but this time they seemed confused?

Spinel: Are you alright?

Y/n: I'm.... fine. Lost in thought is all

As Y/n moved forward I felt something off about them. Usually they have some sort of beat going through their body. Like a tapping of a foot it always remains on beat but this time... it's oddly quiet

Spinel: Are you sure your ok?

Y/n: Yes. Just tired is all maybe I've been stressing too much lately.

Spinel: Maybe..... You said a big fight was going to happen soon right?

Y/n: Yes... it's going to be really hard and I might not make it.

I feel a shiver go up my body as I turn to look at them. They were serious

Y/n: Since we're far enough away from the trio now. The Crystal Gems will fuse to Alexandrite. Malachite will be completely overtaken by Jasper.

I've only seen the Crystal Gems they seem pretty easily beaten but. By how Y/n describes Jasper it might be harder for them to win

Spinel: Then let me come! You already know I'm really good at fighting!?

Y/n: We can't risk that. Knowing Jasper's aggression and the gem's overall.... aggression with me. It will most likely devolve into a 2v2

Spinel: So I am coming!

Y/n:.......... You know what sure! Come along! If I tackle every problem with just logical thinking and tactics I'll become a jerk!

I jump for joy as I hear the familiar beating coming from Y/n and Unity. They were allowing me to go and....


Y/n: Oh god we made a mistake.

And like that we warp back to the Garden as I giggle with joy. Everything was going to turn out alright!

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