Internal Management

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     Everyone was asleep as Y/n looked into the sky. Unity slowly coiled around him like a snake before they fused. The now large spider stared at a pool, he gently swiped it out of the way.

It was still clear and clean. The hole down to the cluster, or Y/n's current goal. The magma of earth, a place where shards broke off from the main cluster and spent their time in agony. Lost and confused, stuck and lost in the magma of the planet

Y/n took a deep breath, feeling Unity's presence and strength flowing through him. He stepped into the magma, feeling the intense heat and pressure as he descended deeper and deeper. The shards glowed in the fiery depths, their energy pulsating with pain and desperation.

Y/n reached out with Unity, gently collecting the shards one by one. As they touched them, they could feel their anguish and longing to be reunited with the main cluster. With each shard they collected, they could feel themselves becoming stronger and more whole.

Despite the intense heat and danger, Y/n was determined to bring back as many shards as he could. Each one was a piece of the puzzle, a part of Unity that needed to be reunited to complete the whole. Atleast in the future that is

As Y/n emerged from the magma, he held the shards in his hands, feeling their energy buzzing and swirling around him. Unity glowed with a newfound power, however... he began to glitch. His form tearing and expanding, changing multiple times as he struggled

Y/n: Ow ow ow ow ow!

Unity: Y/n.... sorry!!!

Y/n: It's alright! It's alright! Hi new shards, please calm down...

The pain and glitches lightened a bit. A certain fusion approaches the glitching mass, she let out a sigh of disappointment before continuing

Garnet: Are you happy with yourself?

Y/n: Please don't patronize me, and yes I am!

Unity: WHY!?

Y/n: Your safe! I don't think any shards are left on earth!?

Garnet hesitantly reached out a hand, she touched the mass before recoiling back. She heard what Y/n heard on a daily basis. Thousands of voices talking and chatting, all within a closed space.

Garnet: Y/n... just take deep breaths

Y/n: I can't breath, in my current state Garnet!

Garnet: Just close your eyes and listen to them... all of them. Know what they feel, and synchronize with eachother

Y/n stops. The thrashing of the form stopping aswell as if a agreement has happened.

Garnet: Great, I'll just stay here until your done. With whatever your doing?

*Y/n pov*

It was darkness, a endless void of black. I couldn't even see my own hands as I held them infront of myself

Y/n: Hello?

With my simple word, the world lights up around me. Thousands of lights and shards all floating around me. Hesitantly I grabbed one as a gentle warmness flows throughout my body.

Y/n: Hold on, I swear I saw something that matched you?

Looking around I try swimming through this void. I find another shard that fits perfectly into the one I grabbed. Except it was a amethyst while the one I was holding was a sapphire

The pair glows as I look around as the lights dim slightly. It was less chaotic then before, a positive note on my part.

Y/n: Still a bit off though?

My lips form a line in thought. I grab another similar piece before attaching it to the bunch in my hand. Once again the lights grew dimmer

Y/n: I'm not hurting you right?






Y/n: If this was what the shards were like the whole time... I feel bad, it's so chaotic in here!?

I continue to grab shards and move them together. His slight ocd didn't want the chaos of shards randomly strewn about. So he worked, and worked and worked

Constantly matching the shards, yet it was still a chaos of colors. No one color touched the other directly. It was strangely beautiful to Y/n as he stared at his own mini cluster

Y/n: How long have I been doing this? Do you know Unity?

Unity: No?

Y/n: WHAT!

Y/n jumped back from the cluster as he smiled at them. Unity could speak to him again? Could she not before?


Unity: Dealing with internal affairs, thanks to you our mind is a bit... clearer

Y/n: Oh that's good! How do I get out of here?

Unity: Before that we want to tell you something.

Y/n: Ok, what?

Unity: Um... nevermind.

*3rd pov*

Garnet watched as the large ball of light grew and began to change. It's been about six hours since Y/n was like this. It was kind of intimidating as it grew arms and legs. A tail forming out of the back as she saw flesh and tissue move aswell.

However it was quickly covered up by a blackish exoskeleton. The shards were not strewn about the body, it was compacted and snug in the center.

Garnet: You look... better?

Y/n was more humanoid now, two legs and a tail, his head was still that blank monster. However he had four arms, each tipped with a clawed


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